Page 61 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 61

‘  P R E V I E W

          B efo re You  Read

         T h in k   How far can you kick a ball? Can you pick up                                                       m o v e m e n t

                        a big table?
                                                                                                                       This text is an

                                    Cause and Effect                                                                   text. Remember,

                                                                                                                       informational texts
                     Remember, a cause is why something  happens.
                                                                                                                       tell us about our

                     The effect is what happens after the cause.                                                       world.


                 Read the text. Write the causes and effects.                                                                Science

                      Chicks can’t fly when they  are

                     very  small, so parent birds get

                     food for them.  Chicks move

                     their wings in the nest. Their

                     wings get strong  and when they

                      get big, they leave the nest.

                     They move their wings up and

                      down and fly in the air.

                                   Cause                                          Effect

                    1  Chicks  c a n ’t fly.                    a

                   2                                            b  Their w in g s  get  strong.

                   3                                            c  They  leave the  nest.

                   ^  They  m ove their
                        w in g s  up  and  down.

          O   Look at the title and headings on pages 150-151.
                 What do you think the text is about?

                                                                                                                         •    •       ■   -  '
                                                         Reading: Couse and Effect        Unit 15  1 4 9
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