Page 64 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 64


          Com prehension

         Think  What do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason.

        oO^ —^
                 1  How force makes things move

                 2  Big and small forces cause
                     different movements.

                 3  How force changes speed

                                                                   W hat’s your favorite  part?
          O   Ask and answer

                 the question.
                                                                            Heavy things  need  a  big

                                                                               fo rce to  move them.
                                                                                I didn’t know that.

          O   Complete the chart. Write the cause or effect.

                                           Cause                                                          Effect

                   1    We  push  something.                                       a

                   2                                                               b     There  is  a  small  movement.

                   3   We  open  a  d o o r with  a  big  force.                   c

                 Circle the correct answer.

                 1  A force doesn't make things move.                                    True          F a lse

                 2  Push and  pull are forces.                                           T ru e        F a lse

                 3  A light object needs a big force to move it.                         T ru e        F a lse

                 4  A force can change the speed of things.                              True          F a lse

         Think  What do you think?
        o&~"  ^
                 1  What is heavy and  needs a  big force to move it?

                 2  Is it easier to push your father or your friend on a swing? Why?

        152  Unit 15  Comprehension
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