Page 69 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 69


          B efo re You  Read                                                                                       i

         Think  Are you sometimes stubborn? Is there a mountain

                        near your town or city?

                                                                                                                       This story is a fable.
                                    Theme                                                                              A fable is a short

                                                                                                                       story that teaches
                     Remember, the theme of a story is the most
                                                                                                                       us a lesson.

                     important thing the writer wants you to understand.

                     The writer is often teaching something important.

                 Read the story. Then circle the theme.

                    It's  a  cold  and  raing  day  and Josh  can’t

                    play  outside.  His  mom  sees  his  sad  [ace

                    and  says, "Let’s  m ake  some  [un  things.”

                    They  m ake  a  toy  ca r an d jo sh   pushes

                     and  pulls  the  ca r on  the  table.

                    "This  is  [un,”  he  says.  Then  they  make

                    a  toy  b o a tjo sh   pushes  his  boat

                    across  the  w ater in  the  kitchen  sink.

                    “This  is  [un,  too,"  he  says.

                    "Thanks  [o ra   great dag,  Mom."

                 a  You can't play outside when it's rainy.

                 b  It's good to play inside with your mom.

                 c  It's good to think of things to do inside when it's rainy.

          O   The story on pages 158-15R is about two stubborn

                 goats who don't get along. What do you think they

                 fight about? Give one idea.

                                                                     Reading: Theme  Unit 16  1 5 7
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