Page 5 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 5

Billy                            Gus                           Layla                         Dot

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                       J E T

                  LISTENING                          SPEAKING                             WRITING                              WRAP UP

          Animal Body Parts                     Expressing Sympathy           Task
          Descriptions of different animal      Are you OK?                   Talk and write about favorite animal groups.
          body parts                            No. My leg hurts.             (Workbook)
                                                                                                                        • Review Story
          Listening Strategy                    Oh, no!
          Listening for specific information                                                                            • Project
                                                                                                                         m iniiai ru_iuic v_aius
          Describing Anim als                   Describing an Animal          Pronouns                                  . Review
          Descriptions of animals               Eagles have feathers and wings to help   Rabbits are very gentle.   They are very gentle.   Units 1 and 2 (Workbook)  1 3
                                                them fly.                     Task
          Listening Strategy
          Listening for details                                               Talk and write about an animal and what it is like.
 ^ 5 5 5 -5             5    5     5    f l

          How Things Change                     Accepting a Request           Task
          Descriptions of changes in states     Please pass the juice.        Talk and write about a thing that can change state.
          Listening Strategy                    Sure. Here you go.            (Workbook)
          Listening for details                 Thanks.                                                                 • Review Story
                                                                                                                        • Project
                                                                                                                         I Y I I A I U I C
          Creating M ixtures                    Describing Food and Ingredients  Contractions                           . Review
          Descriptions of food and drink mixtures   Tell me about the party.  The ice pops weren't in the freezer.   Water isn’t a gas.   Units 3 and 4 (Workbook) O
          Listening Strategy                    My friends were there. The ice cream   Task
          Listening for specific information    was tasty.                    Talk and write about a favorite food and drink
                                                                              mixture.  (Workbook)

          Social Studies: History

          Life Then and Now                     Asking for Som ething to Be   Task
          An interview with Grandma             Repeated                      Talk and write about something people did long ago
                                                What country do you come from?   but they don't do now. (Workbook)
          Listening Strategy
                                                Would you repeat that, please?
          Listening for specific information
                                                                                                                        • Review Story
                                                                                                                        • Project
                                                                                                                         Interview an Adult
          In a Museum                           Describing Travel and Transport  Adding -e d  to Some Verbs
                                                                                                                        • Review
          Children discuss what they are        Where did you travel?         1 visited my grandmother.   He arrived in New York
                                                                                                                         Units 5 and 6 (Workbook)  | 3 j
          looking at                            1 traveled to Washington.     yesterday.
                                                How did you travel there?
          Listening Strategy                                                  Task
          Listening  for details                                              Talk and write about traveling to a place 100 years
                                                                              ago and traveling there today.  (Workbook)

          Subtraction Problem s                 Offering                      Task
          Subtraction word problems             Would you like some fruit?    Talk about and write an interesting subtraction
                                                No, thank you. I'm full.      problem. (Workbook)
          Listening Strategy
                                                How about some water?
          Listening for number details                                                                                  ■ Review Story
                                                Yes, please. I'm thirsty.
                                                                                                                        ■ Project
          Number Problem s                      Say a Math Problem            Contractions                               Subtraction Board Game
          Math problem poems                    Twenty cows sat in some trees.  Karen doesn't like fruit salad.   Bandar didn 't let go of  ■ Review
                                                Five fell down and hurt their knees.  the candy.                         Units 7 and 8 (Workbook)
          Listening Strategy
                                                How many cows were left in the trees?
          Listening for number details                                        Task
                                                                              Talk and write about three things that were done last
                                                                              night. (Workbook)
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