Page 6 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
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UNIT                READING                               VOCABULARY                                         GRAMMAR

                           BIG QUESTION             5    How do people get along with each other?

                      Following Rules                 Reading text words  traffic light, take turns, polite, clean up,   Possessive Pronouns
                      Informational Text   (Nonfiction)  litter, librarian, crossing guard, principal, lifeguard  Those are your things. Those things are yours.
                      Reading Strategy                Listening text words  kitchen, living room, cafeteria, classroom,   Whose book is this? It's hers.
          Page 86     Categorize                      swimming pool, crosswalk
                                                      Word Study  Phrasal Verbs
           to         The Please and Thank You Book   put away, invite, wash, share                      Can I play? Yes, you can.
                                                      Reading text words  knock, thoughtful, rude, grab, pass,
                                                                                                         Can and May
                                                      tablet, cell phone
                      Reading Strategy                Listening text words  computer, laptop, camera, headphones,   May I come in? No, you may not.
          Page 96     Theme
                           BIG QUESTION  6               Why should we take care o f the Earth ?  Earth Science

                      Natural Resources               Reading text words  resources, wood, landfill, land, trash, smoke,   Prepositions of Place
                      Informational Text   (Nonfiction)   sunlight, reduce, reuse                        There's smoke in the air above the city.
           w          Reading Strategy                Listeni ng text words  camp, hike, ride a horse, surf, fish, ski   The landfill is across from the park.
                      Main Idea and Details                                                              The trash can is behind the tree.
         Page 106                                     Word Study  Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns
                                                                                                         The tree is in front o f the trash can.

                      A Juice Carton's Diary          Reading text words  carton, diary, paper, blow, shelf,   Prepositions of Place
                      Diary Entries   (Fiction)       recycling plant, machine, stationery store, rescue  Where's the fountain?
                                                                                                         It's across from the statue.
           f f i      Reading Strategy                Listening text words  time, week, nine o'clock, nine-fifteen,
         Page 116     Setting                         nine-thirty, nine forty-five                       Is there a trash can behind the tree?
                                                                                                         Yes, there is.
                     CE    BIG QUESTION                  How does music make us feel?  Music
           13         How Music Makes us Feel         Reading text words  high, low, excited, sleepy, wolf, feelings,   Pedro listens to slow  music at night.
                                                                                                         Prepositions of Time
                                                      right, wrong, trumpet
                      Informational Text
                      Reading Strategy                Listening text words  proud, smile, nervous, yawn, unhappy, cry   When does Amanda listen to slow music?
         Page 126     Summarize                       Word Study  Synonyms                               She listens in the morning.
           14         Olga's Flute                    Reading text words  notes, wait, worried, the flu, tears, solo,   Adverbs of Time
                                                      hummingbird, record, musician
                                                                                                         This morning, Olga goes to school early
                                                                                                         for extra practice.
                      Reading Strategy
                                                      sign an autograph, talk to fans, do an interview
                      Characters                      Listening text words  have lunch, give a concert, make a mistake,   When did Mark go to music class?
         Page 136                                                                                        He went yesterday morning.
                           BIG QUESTION  8               What m akes things move?  Physical Science
           15         Forces and Movement             Reading text words  push, pull, movement, ground, throw, speed,   Com parative Adjectives
                                                      heavy, light, easy
                      Informational Text
                                                                                                         A ball is lighter than a desk.
                      Reading Strategy
                                                      door, desk drawer
                      Cause and Effect                Listeni ng text words  computer mouse, stapler, suitcase, broom,   Is a desk heavier than a ball? Yes, it is.
                                                                                                         What's slower than an airplane?
         Page 146
                                                      Word Study  Antonyms                               A train is slower than an airplane.
           16         Two Stubborn Little Goats       Reading text words  stubborn, angry, goat, mountain, west, east,   I'm the youngest person in my family.
                                                                                                         Superlative Adjectives
                                                      forward, horns, wet
                                                      Listening text words  basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, hockey,
                                                                                                         Is the juiciest grass on East Mountain?
                      Reading Strategy
                      Theme                           golf                                               Yes, it is.
         Page 156
                      O   BIG QUESTION  9                How do we make a rt?   Art
                      Shapes in Art                   Reading text words  crescent, star, spiral, oval, straight, nature,   Q uantifiers
                      Informational Text   (Nonfiction)   collage, sculpture, pattern                    There are a lot o f shapes.
                      Reading Strategy                Listening text words  photograph, origami, drawing, mobile,   There aren't any triangles.
                                                      oil painting, mosaic                               There is a lot o f paper.
         Page 166     Text-to-Self Connection                                                            There isn't any red paint.
                                                      Word Study  Flomophones
                      Origami                         Reading text words  shiny, fold, edge, crane, seal, crumple,   Q uantifiers
                      Panel Story   (Fiction)         waves, climb, golden                               Did Maki have any pencils? No, she didn't.
                                                                                                         How many seals were there? There was one seal.
                      Reading Strategy                Listening text words  markers, scissors, glue, watercolors, chalk,
                                                                                                         How much paper was there? There was a lot of
                      Text-to-Self Connection         colored pencils

                     PLAYSCRIPTS             Bandar, the Greedy Monkey            Two Stubborn Little Goats
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