Page 81 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 81

1     P R E V I E W

          B efo re You  Read

         Think  What shapes can you see in your classroom?

                        What are your favorite shapes to draw?

                                     Text-to-Self Connection
                                                                                                                       In this text we
                     When we read something, we can think about things                                                 learn about

                     in our lives that are similar to things in the text.                                              shapes in art.

                                                                                                                       This text is an
                     The sto ry of two  stubborn  goats.
                     I  am  stubborn, too.
                                                                                                                       text. Remember,

                     The text about rules.                                                                             informational
                                                                                                                       texts tell us about
                     My mom  m akes the  ru les at home.
                                                                                                                       our world.

                 Read the text. Think.

                     There's  an  interesting  art

                     park  in  New  York.  It only  has

                     sculptures.  In  good  w eather

                     a  lot of people  come  to  the

                     park.  T h e y  enjoy  the  art  and

                     sometimes  they  have  picnics.
                                                          P 1

                 1  There's an interesting art park in New York. Think about

                     what's in your city.

                 2  In good weather a lot of people come to the park. Th i n k

                     about what you do in good weather.

                 3  People enjoy the art. Think about what you enjoy.

          O   The text on pages 170-171  is about shapes.

                 What shapes do you think are in the text?

                 Think of five shapes.

                                                  Reading: Text-to-Self Connection  Unit 17  1 6 9
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