Page 84 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 84


          Com prehension

         Think  What do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason.

        oO^ —^

                 1  Different shapes

                 2  Shapes in  nature

                 3  Shapes in art

          O   Ask and answer
                                                                         W hat’s your favorite  part?
                 the question.

                                                                                The  leopard  picture
                                                                               with circles. It ’s  cool!

          0 Read the clues. Write the shapes.

                   1  It has four corners, four straight sides, and all
                      four sides are the same length.

                   2  It has three straight sides, three corners, and

                      the sides can be different lengths.

                   3  It has  no straight sides,  no corners, and the

                       shape is like an egg.

          0 Answer the questions.

                 1  What shapes did  Ben Heine use to make his picture?

                 2  What did George Hart use to make his sculptures?

                 3  What artist uses straight lines to make the shapes in his paintings?

         Thin k  What do you think?
        od^ —^

                 1  Were George Hart's sculptures easy to make?

                 2  Can we see shapes in all  paintings?

        172  Unit 17  Comprehension
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