Page 89 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 89

^  P R E V I E W

          B efo re You  Read

         T h in k   Do you ever draw pictures for the stories you write?

                        What do you like to draw?                                                                      In this story we
                                                                                                                       read about a little

                                                                                                                       girl who likes to
                n T O           l   Text-to-Self Connection
                                                                                                                       make things.
                     Remember, when we read something, we should think
                                                                                                                       This story is a panel
                     about things in our lives that are similarto things in                                            story. A panel story

                    the text.                                                                                          has a lot of scenes.

                                                                                                                       Each scene has a
                                                                                                                       picture and some
                 Read the text. Then write sentences.

                    Finn  loves  art.  He  goes  to  art  class  on

                    Thursdays.  Finn  likes  music,  too,  and

                    he’s  good  at  it.  One  day  in  art  class,  he

                    made  a  musical  instrument  collage.

                    It  was  beautiful.  He  took the  bus  home.                                                      Susannah Appelbaum

                                                                                                                       is the author of the
                    “Where’s  your  collage?”  asked  his  mom.                                                        famous Poisons of

                                                                                                                       Caux series for young
                    “Oh,  no!”  he  said.  “I  lejt  it  on the  bus.”                                                 readers. She loves
                                                                                                                       using her imagination
                    He  was  really  sad.
                                                                                                                       to create fun, new

                 1  Think about what you like.

                 2  Think about what you're good at.

                 3  Think about things you forgot.

          Q   In the story a girl makes a lot of paper animals.

                 What kinds of animals do you think she makes?

                                                  Reading: Text-to-Self Connection  Unit 18  177
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