Page 90 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 90


            Maki woke up early. Her room was quiet.                            Maki got out of bed quietly. The paper was

            Everyone was sleeping, even her little sister                      shiny, and there were a lot of colors.

            Akiko in the bed next to hers.                                     Maki folded a red square, bending the

            What could she do? / know, she thought.                            paper in the middle and at the edges.
            / can do orgami! On the table was some                             She worked until it was

            colored paper.                                                     done. Suddenly,                                  ^

                                                                               it was a crane!           #

            The crane looked lonely, so she made                               She made an orange seal. Seals like to play

            another— this time a blue one. Soon she                            Maki knew, so she made him a purple ball.

            had a whole row of origami cranes!                                 “Thanks,” said the seal. And he rolled the
            “Would you like some friends?”                                     ball back to her. They played and played

            Maki asked the cranes                                              until Maki had another idea.

            “Oh, yes!” said the


            “You can

            speak?” Maki

            “Of course.

            You’re in our

            origami world
            now!” So Maki
            picked up more

                                                  Think about anim als
                                                       that you  like.
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