Page 96 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 96

©   Listen and read along. ©  3.39

            The children are at their Art Club.                              Dot made an animal  mobile

              Dot,  please  show the
             class  what  you  made.

                                                                                    I  painted  some

                                                                                straight  lines for  the
                                                                               long  legs  of my  crane.

             Layla  made a sculpture                                         Billy made a drawing of a
                                                      I  like  shapes.
            of the sky at night.                                             golden horse in the sunlight.
                                                         I  made  a
                                                      crescent  and                             How  many  ovals  and  circles

                                                     a  lot  of stars.                         can  you  see  in  my  drawing?

            Zak made an origami boat.                                        Gus made an oil painting.

                                    folded  the  paper  to  make                                  Uh,  that’s  very  interesting,

                                    the  boat,  and  I  crumpled                                       Gus.  But  what  is  it?
                                     paper  to  make  the  sea.
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