Page 97 - oxford_discover_2B_student_book
P. 97

P ro ject:  Moke an Art Report

          o      Make an art report.

                .  Choose a favorite piece of art

                   and write about it.

                .  Bring or draw a  picture of it

                    to show the class.

          ©   Put your art report on the

                 wall. Tell the class about
                                                                                  The Stany Wyhh K^port
                 the piece of art.

                                                                           I  liKe  this               very  much. It's  called

                                                                           The                               a* 0,1 h>a,r)hr)9‘
                                    I like this  painting
                                    because  of all the                   Vincent Vam                         T   w

                                     different shapes                      1221.  /  like  the                   the  pa'fitinj.

                                         and  colors.
                                                               J          The  stars  are  Circles,  the  **oti  is  a
                                                                          crescent  and  Me  d o  ads  are  Spirals.

                                                                         I think  the  colors  a re  beautiful,  hoo.

          ©   Walk around the room. Look
                                                                                                        I like the m osaic
                 at all the reports. Find one                                                           in  M aria’s  report.

                 you like. Tell your partner.                                                            The shapes  are

                                                                                                        very interesting.

                                                                                                                     What did
                                                                         Watch the video.  | 3                       you  learn
                                                                                                                     about  how

                                                                                                                   we  make  art?
                                                                 o      Think more about                                            J

                      B IC  QUESTION  Q                                  the Big Question.

                    How do we

                                                                 ©   Complete the
                    make art?                                            Big Question


                                                                                            Project: Art Report  •  Big Question 9  185
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