Page 10 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 10

                                   CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES

              he pace of road construction in   The improvement in road construction   constructed per day was 30.1 km. If the
              the country is expected to   owes to the low base of awarding in the   present momentum in the construction of
        Timprove in FY24 given the speed   past two fiscal years. Historically,   roads continues, analysts estimate that
        at which projects are being awarded and   construction gains pace after three years   the average length of roads constructed
        their execution. This is expected to help a   of awarding of roads projects. In FY20,   per day will jump to 33 km in Fy24.
        handful of construction companies that   the combined awarding of road projects
        have demonstrated efficient execution in   by NHAI and MoRTH was close to   Among the road construction companies,
        the past. The combined construction of   10,500 km. The construction of roads   KNR Constructions and PNC Infratech
        roads by National Highway Authority of   jumped to 2,929 km in March 2023 from   are likely to benefit from higher awarding
        India (NHAI) and Ministry of Roads,   1,452 km in March 2020.         of road projects given their strong
        Transport and Highways (MoRTH)                                        balance sheet and superior execution
        improved by 12.7% to 6,684 km in    In FY23, the combined awarding of   capabilities. Analysts estimate that
        January- May 2023 period compared with   NHAI and MoRTH was 12,375 km. In   revenues of these companies are likely to
        the corresponding period in the previous   FY23, the average length of roads   grow by 12-15% in the next two years.

        CONSTRUCTION VISION                                                                       8                                                              AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2023
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