Page 12 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 12


             arsen & Toubro (L&T) on       future." All these subsystems have been
             Thursday said the company has   delivered ahead of schedule, the
        Lsupplied various components for   company said. L&T further said it has
        India's moon mission Chandrayaan-3. In   also been involved in production of a
        a regulatory filing, the company said   range of hardware for Chandrayaan-1
        components like "middle segment and   and 2, Gaganyaan and Mangalyaan
        nozzle bucket flange" were manufactured   missions of ISRO. India's third lunar
        at its facility in Powai, while components   mission Chandrayaan-3, set for lift-off at
        like ground and flight umbilical plates   2:35 pm on July 14, will be a follow-up
        were from the company's aerospace   mission after the crash-landing of
        manufacturing facility at Coimbatore.  Chandrayaan-2 in September 2019 due
        AT Ramchandani, Executive Vice     to a software glitch. L&T is a USD 23-
        President and Head, L&T Defence said,   billion multinational engaged in
        "The space sector is opening up for the   engineering procurement and
        Indian industry and we will leverage this   construction (EPC) projects, hi-tech
        long association with ISRO to play a   manufacturing and services operating in
        bigger role in space programmes of the   over 50 countries.

        CONSTRUCTION VISION                                                                      10                                                               AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2023
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