Page 16 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 16

                              DEMAND IN APRIL-JUNE QUARTER

           ndia's three key southern cities -   by large domestic firms and MNCs amid   Technology sector dominated leasing
           Bengaluru, Chennai and Hyderabad   global uncertainties.           activities, followed by engineering and
        Idominated office demand with the   However, the demand was up 17 per   manufacturing, while flexible spaces also
        contribution of 59% of the total office   cent compared with the previous quarter.  gained traction due to cautious leasing
        leasing across the top 7 cities during the   Despite global headwinds, the Indian   decisions amidst market uncertainty.
        quarter ended June, according to   economy has performed well. India's
        Vestian.                           GDP growth rate showed improvement in   “There has been no significant impact on
                                           the last quarter of FY23. Financial   demand; in fact, at AIPL, we are
        As per the data, the combined office   markets also performed well, reflecting   experiencing a steady increase in
        leasing in three major southern cities   positive sentiment in the country,” said   demand for Grade A office space. We
        stood at 8.2 million square feet, out of a   Vestian CEO Shrinivas Rao.  anticipate this positive trend to persist,
        total 13.9 million square feet absorbed in   "Hiring intentions for Q3 2023 improved,   given our strong optimism about India's
        the April-June quarter of this calendar   indicating optimism about India's growth   growth prospects. The Indian economy's
        year. Across seven major cities, office   prospects. The resilience of the Indian   resilience is evident in the office market,
        leasing fell 6 per cent to 13.9 million   economy was reflected in the Indian   as there has been a notable rise in
        square feet during April-June as against   office market as well, with increased   demand and absorption rates,” said
        14.8 million square feet in the year-ago   absorption and a fading impact of funding   Ishaan Singh, Director, AIPL Group.
        period due to delays in decision-making   challenges," he said.

        CONSTRUCTION VISION                                                                      14                                                              AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2023
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