Page 20 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 20
authorities control and run the Hakimpet
airport after civil aviation services are
started. Alleging that the Airports
Authority of India delayed the
establishment of Warangal-Mamnoor
airport, he said the cabinet decided to
allot additional land (about 250 acres) for
the purpose as sought.
Rama Rao said the CM directed the
finance department to release immediate
assistance of Rs 500 crore to carry out
immediate repairs to roads, tanks and
others damaged due to the recent heavy
rains. Speaking about the more than 40
people who lost their lives in the recent
rains, he said the government has
The Telangana Cabinet on Monday project in the coming three-four years," decided to extend ex-gratia to their kin
decided to expand the metro rail network he said. He said the CM has asked the after collecting their details.
in Hyderabad with about Rs 60,000 crore metro rail authorities and the municipal
in the next three-four years and, among department to submit detailed proposals The Municipal Administration Minister
other decisions, to provide ex-gratia to soon. He said the state government also said the district Collectors have
the kin of 40 people who died during the hoped that the Centre would extend help been asked to submit reports on the
recent heavy rains in the state. in implementing the project like it did for damage caused by the rains to
other cities. But the state government agricultural fields. In another decision,
In another key decision, the cabinet itself will take up the project if the Centre the government also decided to pass the
meeting, presided over by Chief Minister does not help, he added. bills returned by Governor Tamilisai
K Chandrasekhar Rao, decided to Soundararajan again in the assembly, he
recognise the over-43,000 employees of "We hope they (NDA government at the said. With regard to employees of RTC,
the state-run Road Transport Corporation Centre) will cooperate with us. If this the cabinet decided to appoint a sub-
(RTC) as government staff. Briefing government does not help us, a coalition committee of officials on the modalities of
reporters after the cabinet meeting, State government would come after 2024. The recognising them as government
Municipal Administration Minister K T role of BRS would be crucial in that. We employees.
Rama Rao said it has been decided to are confident that we will achieve it
expand metro rail on a large scale to there," he said. Rama Rao, son of In other important decisions, the cabinet
strengthen public transport in Hyderabad. Chandrasekhar Rao, said the cabinet decided to prepare an 'orphan policy'
Recalling that the CM had already laid decided to urge the Centre to allow civil which treats orphans as "children of the
the foundation stone for metro rail aviation services from the Hakimpet Air state" and puts the responsibility of taking
between Raidurgam to the airport, he Force station in Hyderabad to meet the care of them on the government, Rama
said the metro rail expansion would take growing needs of the state capital. The Rao said. The cabinet also decided to
place on many routes that connect state government feels that Hyderabad nominate BRS leader Sravan Dasoju,
Hyderabad to its outskirts in various should have a second airport in view of who hails from the backward classes,
directions. "Altogether, the cabinet the city's growth, he said. and former MLA Kurra Satyanarayana
approved expansion of metro rail with Rs who belongs to the minority community of
Noting that defence airports in cities like
60,000 crores in addition to the 101 kms 'Erukala' among the STs as MLC
Goa and Pune are also used for civil
taken up earlier. The CM directed our candidates under the Governor quota, he
aviation, he said the state government
municipal department to complete this added.
would have no objection if defence