Page 22 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 22


           POWER FIRMS

           ECLIPSED IN


           ENERGY RACE

           ndia's solar power market may be   manufacturers and solar service   generating green jobs, with even the
           growing rapidly - but Girish    providers seeking manpower because   smallest hiring at least 25 workers,
        IMansukbhai Solanki's business, a   their slim profit margins put them at risk   according to manufacturers' associations.
        small labour agency that supplies   of financial trouble, he said.    India's micro, small and medium-sized
        workers to companies setting up solar                                 enterprises (MSMEs) - which number
        systems in western Gujarat, has been   Small-scale solar manufacturers and   about 60 million across all sectors -
        making losses. "I am at the bottom of a   service providers like Solanki are   generate the largest amount of
        supply chain that is plagued with delayed   regarded as important players in India's   employment after agriculture, and foster
        projects, delayed payments and a lot of   push to achieve a national goal of   entrepreneurship at a lower capital cost
        uncertainty," the 38-year-old told the   installing 270 gigawatts (GW) of solar   than large-scale manufacturing. Yet,
        Thomson Reuters Foundation over tea in   power capacity by 2030 - enough to   despite their role in fostering skills and
        Rajkot, an industrial town home to many   power about 200 million homes.  inclusive growth, many in the solar value
        solar firms.                       In an industry driven by government   chain are floundering as larger
        Solanki has stopped taking calls from   policy, these firms are also key to   companies enter the market,

        CONSTRUCTION VISION                                                                      20                                                              AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2023
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