Page 18 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 18

                             ON MORE GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS

              ewage solution provide EMS   funded through local state government   Uttarakhand," Tomar said.  As per the
              Limited on Wednesday said it   bodies. The National Mission for Clean   draft papers filed with Sebi in March this
        Scurrently has an order book of    Ganga, the Jal Jeevan Mission, and   year, the company may consider a pre-
        nearly Rs 1,500 crore and will focus on   Community Drinking Water Scheme are   IPO placement of up to Rs 60 crore and if
        securing more government contracts that   just a few of the initiatives that the   such a placement takes place, the
        have support from global funding   government is expected to further   number of equity shares will be reduced
        agencies like World Bank. In March, EMS   support, the company said and added   from the issue. Proceeds from the fresh
        had filled draft papers with Sebi to raise   this will result in a larger order pipeline   issue will be utilised towards funding
        funds through an initial public offering.   for local and national businesses   working capital requirements and other
        The IPO includes a fresh issue of equity   operating in these specialised sectors.  general corporate purposes, it said.
        shares worth Rs 180 crore and an offer
        for sale of 82.94 lakh shares by promoter   "We have completed more than 50   Upon completion of the IPO, the share
        Ramveer Singh.                     projects in the past, and currently we are   will be listed on the BSE and NSE, EMS
                                           executing 13 ongoing projects      said. The company is in the business of
        The company will use the proceeds from   aggregating into an order book of Rs   providing sewerage solutions, water
        the issue to meet working capital   1,389.09 crore...Apart from this, we are   supply systems, water and waste
        requirements.Ashish Tomar, Managing   also executing 5 O&M projects worth Rs   treatment plants, and water supply
        Director of EMS Ltd, said almost all of the   99.28 crore in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh,   scheme projects for government
        company's projects are World Bank-  Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Mumbai, and   authorities, among others.

        CONSTRUCTION VISION                                                                      16                                                               AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2023
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