Page 19 - CV Aug-Sep 2023 Issue
P. 19

                         TO RS ONE LAKH CRORE IN NEXT 5 YEARS

              he size of the Indian paints &   companies such as Grasim Industries,   automotive, infrastructure, machinery and
              coatings industry is estimated to   Pidilite, and JSW have entered into the   equipment, functional and domestic
        Tgrow to Rs 1 lakh crore in the    segment and are competing with     appliances, packaging, etc," it added.
        next five years from the present Rs   established makers such as Asian Paints,   On future outlook, Akzo Nobel India
        62,000 crore, said Akzo Nobel India.   Berger Paints, Kansai Nerolac and Akzo   which operates in the industry through
        Besides, the margin for the paints &   Nobel India, which collectively control   the Dulux brand said the paints &
        coatings industry will improve as in FY23,   nearly 3/4th of the market. "The size of   coatings industry's prospects are
        it witnessed softening of raw material   the industry is estimated to grow from Rs   'intricately connected to the overall
        prices from their previous highs, said the   62,000 crores to Rs 1 lakh crore in the   growth of the country's economy', which
        latest annual report of Akzo Nobel India,   next five years," it said.  is influenced by several factors including
        a leading player in the segment.                                      income levels, industrial production, and
        "As raw materials account for      The industry is divided into two   infrastructure development.
        approximately 55-60 per cent of the input   categories - architectural segment and
        costs, price corrections in crude oil and   industrial segment. The architectural   "While the industry faces potential risks
        other essential components resulted in   segment dominates the industry as its   stemming from fluctuating crude prices,
        improved margins for the industry," it said  accounts for around 69 per cent of the   macro-economic environment, and
        The industry has emerged as an     paint consumption on a volume basis.   inflationary pressures, the overall outlook
        attractive sector, by the entry of several   This segment primarily caters to   remains promising. This optimism is
        new players in recent times, which are   residential, commercial, and institutional   fuelled by India's projected medium-term
        actively investing in infrastructure,   constructions, as well as repainting and   growth rate of 6-7 per cent, which sets a
        technology, and marketing to establish   renovation projects.         favourable backdrop for the industry's
        their presence and capture a share of the   While rest 31 per cent comes from the   expansion and development," it said
        market, it said.                   industrial segment, which is witnessing a   According to Akzo Nobel India, by
                                           growing share due to multiple factors.  focusing on innovation, customer-centric
        "This heightened competition has                                      strategies, and leveraging its strengths, it
        prompted existing players to further   "The industrial sector's robust growth,   is well positioned to capitalise on the
        bolster their capabilities and differentiate   coupled with strong fundamentals of   anticipated growth opportunities and
        themselves in order to maintain their   consumer durables, automobiles, and   overcome potential challenges. For the
        market position, leading to a surge in   allied industries, has fuelled the demand   financial year ending on March 31, 2023,
        investment activity within the industry," it   for industrial coatings. These coatings   Akzo Nobel India's revenue from
        added. In the last few years, several   find applications in sectors viz.   operations was Rs 3,802.1 crore.

        CONSTRUCTION VISION                                                                      17                                                               AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2023
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