Page 102 - Sustainability report 2018 Ratti Group
P. 102

 GRI CONTENT INDEX | The criteria of this Report
  103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
301-1 Materials used (total weight or volume) in the production or packaging of
the organisation’s products/services, distinguishing between renewable and non-renewable materials
GRI 302 – ENERGY 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material aspects and their perimeter
103-2 Description of the management approach
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
302-1 Consumption of energy within the organisation
103-1 Explanation of the material aspects and their perimeter
103-2 Description of the management approach
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
303-1 Total water obtained from sources of supply
GRI 305 – EMISSIONS 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material aspects and their perimeter
103-2 Description of the management approach
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
305-1 Direct emissions of greenhouse gasses (Scope 1)
305-2 Emissions of greenhouse gasses generated by energy consumption
(Scope 2)
103-1 Explanation of the material aspects and their perimeter
103-2 Description of the management approach
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach
306-1 Total discharges of water by quality and destination
306-2 Total weight of waste by type and method of disposal
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.3 Less resources consumed, a better future
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.3 Less resources consumed, a better future
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity; Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4 Objective: to reduce waste
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity; Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4 Objective: to reduce waste
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity; Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4 Objective: to reduce waste
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.2 Less consumption, more creativity
Chapter 4, paragraph 4.4 Objective: to reduce waste

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