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48 Britain The Economist April 25th 2020
Bagehot Back to abnormal
The Virtual Parliament brings a welcome return to scrutiny
than none. For the past month Britain has witnessed some of the
most dramatic events in peacetime without any parliamentary
scrutiny whatsoever. In Parliament’s absence a daily press confer-
ence has filled the scrutiny void. But these conferences have been
more about messaging than public accountability. Journalists lack
the most important tools in mps’ armouries: the power to ask writ-
ten questions which the relevant ministers are obliged to answer;
a detailed knowledge of their local constituencies; and, above all,
the ability to speak on behalf of voters.
The evidence from the one bit of Parliament that has continued
over the long Easter break is positive. The select committees have
subjected both ministers and experts to highly effective virtual
grilling. Greg Clark, chairman of the science committee, ques-
tioned witnesses on why they had not learned from other coun-
try’s successes, particularly South Korea’s approach to testing. Je-
remy Hunt, chairman of the health committee, focused on why
Britain has been slow to introduce track-and-trace. It is regrettable
that the most important of the select committees, the Liaison
Committee, which has the power to call the prime minister and ask
questions that cut across ministerial fiefs, is not sitting because
the government has infuriated Parliament by trying to impose its
own man, Sir Bernard Jenkin, as chairman.
n the 17th century parliaments gloried in names such as the The arrival of the Virtual Parliament is part of a general return
IBlessed Parliament, the Addled Parliament, the Happy Parlia- of scrutiny to British politics. The government is losing the halo
ment and the Useless Parliament. The British have long since that naturally surrounded it in the early days of the crisis. The La-
dropped the habit of naming parliaments—perhaps because too bour opposition is at last a force to be reckoned with now that Je-
many deserved the sobriquet “useless”—but there is surely a case remy Corbyn has stood down and the party’s interminable leader-
for reviving it to commemorate the institution’s first collision ship election has been resolved. The number of urgent questions
with cyberspace. The parliament which met on April 21st could be that people want answered has increased during the period of par-
known as the Zoom Parliament or the Virtual Parliament or, to be liamentary inactivity. Why did Mr Johnson fail to preside over the
strictly accurate, the Hybrid Parliament. first five cobra meetings? Why didn’t the government respond to
The returning parliament is like no other. The Speaker, Sir Lind- initial news of the virus in China by buying tests and kit on the glo-
say Hoyle, presides over a sepulchral chamber. Only 50 mps are al- bal market? And—the one Sir Keir focused on at pmqs—why has
lowed in at any one time. Giant screens hang from the empty gal- Britain been so slow to introduce mass testing?
leries. Ministers and other politicians have a choice over whether This is all to be welcomed on the condition that scrutiny does
to appear in person or virtually. In the first Prime Minister’s Ques- not degenerate into gotcha-style condemnation. The case for scru-
tions (pmqs) of the new age on April 22nd, both Dominic Raab, tiny of the government—particularly during a crisis—is not that it
standing in for Boris Johnson, and Sir Keir Starmer, making his de- gives people a chance to vent their collective fury. Bashing the gov-
but appearance as leader of the opposition, turned up in person. ernment is as idiotic as grovelling before it. It is that it gives the
Along with most questioners, Ian Blackford, leader of the Scottish government a chance to adjust its behaviour in the light of new evi-
National Party in Westminster, chose to Zoom in. dence. mps are particularly well equipped to bring this evidence to
There will inevitably be technological glitches with the new light for both obvious reasons (they represent people in every cor-
system. Screens will freeze. mps will forget to press the mute but- ner of the country) and less obvious ones (they bring a wide variety
ton. Speakers will drone on for too long (there is nothing like the of experiences to bear). Several mps, including Labour’s Rosena Al-
virtual floor to put wind into the windbag). The screens will en- lin-Khan, an a&e doctor, are working on the front line in the Na-
courage viewers to become obsessed with trivia. Which mps seem tional Health Service.
to have employed professional barbers during the lockdown?
Which Tories are burnishing their northern credentials by dis- A running start
playing copies of Viz magazine on the shelves behind them? With that proviso, Parliament needs to do everything it can to in-
The unique atmosphere of British politics has been lost. Parlia- crease its powers of scrutiny. Laura Kuenssberg, the bbc’s political
ment is designed to create as much pressure as possible: the gov- editor, talks of Parliament putting its “digital toe” in the water. The
ernment and the opposition face each other just two sword blades rest of the body needs to follow. The Liaison Committee should get
apart; there are more mps than available seats; the noise shakes the to work quickly under an independent chairman. Government
rafters. The pressure is particularly high at pmqs when the most ministers have enjoyed some big successes during this crisis. Most
powerful person in the country is subjected to mob mauling. Good important, the nhs has not collapsed under the weight of the epi-
government types like to deride pmqs as Punch-and-Judy politics. demic despite predictions to the contrary. But they have also made
But some of Britain’s most powerful prime ministers, including some unnecessary mistakes. Better scrutiny, whether physical or
Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher, have been humbled by clever virtual, should improve ministers’ chances of avoiding more mis-
questions. This week’s were tame by comparison. takes or, if they can’t avoid them, their chances of correcting
Still, even a parliament without the blood and noise is better course as quickly as possible. 7