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            International                                                                                           The Economist April 25th 2020    49

           Covid-19 and autocracy                                                                        President Recep Tayyip Erdogan imposed a
                                                                                                         state of emergency after a failed coup in
           Protection racket                                                                             2016, and has since ruled like a sultan. This
                                                                                                         pandemic presents an even greater oppor-
                                                                                                         tunity for mischief, because it is raging
                                                                                                         everywhere at once. The world’s attention
                                                                                                         is on the virus. No repressive act in a far-off
                                                                                                         land is likely to make headlines elsewhere.
           DELHI, ISTANBUL, JOHANNESBURG, KAMPALA AND SINGAPORE                                             China chose now to arrest Hong Kong’s
           Would-be strongmen are using the pandemic as an excuse to grab more power
                                                                                                         leading pro-democracy activists and punc-
               n april 13th, during a discussion          health. No fewer than 84 countries have de-    ture its Basic Law (see China section). “Dic-
           Oabout when and how America should             clared a state of emergency since the pan-     tators and others may think there’s no bet-
           ease covid-19 lockdowns, Donald Trump          demic began, says the Centre for Civil and     ter time to take repressive measures,” says
           claimed to have “absolute power” to de-        Political Rights, a watchdog in Geneva.        Rob Malley of the International Crisis
           cide, overriding state governors. Within a     Some will surrender these powers when          Group, an ngo in Brussels.
           day, he was forced to retreat. No serious le-  the emergency is over. Others plan to hang        Serbia’s president is in effect in sole
           gal scholar agreed with him—America’s          on to them. The danger is greatest not in      charge. Togo’s has the power to rule by de-
           constitution is admirably clear on the lim-    mature democracies with strong checks          cree, though in theory it runs out in a few
           its to presidential authority.                 and balances, such as America, but in          months. Cambodia’s emergency law gives
              Contrast that with Viktor Orban’s ef-       places where such safeguards are weak,         the government the power to take any
           forts. On March 30th Hungary’s parliament      such as Hungary.                               “measures that are deemed appropriate” to
           issued a “coronavirus law”, giving the            Mr Orban has spent the past decade          fight the disease. It can restrict people’s
           prime minister almost unlimited powers         eroding checks on his power, nobbling the      movement, ban public gatherings, censor
           to rule by decree, with no expiry date. Par-   courts, tilting the electoral system and urg-  social media, seize property and declare
           liament can repeal Mr Orban’s new powers,      ing his cronies to gobble up independent       martial law. Anyone who fails to “respect”
           but since his party has an impregnable ma-     radio and television stations. Mr Trump’s      the law faces up to ten years in prison. The
           jority, it probably won’t. Mr Orban has in ef-  claim of absolute power was laughed at;       prime minister, Hun Sen, can act without
           fect become a dictator—in the heart of Eu-     Hungarian media welcomed Mr Orban’s            any real oversight. Though his ministers
           rope. He may relinquish some of his new        corona coronation, and Hungarian institu-      say the measures will last for only three
           powers after the pandemic, just to prove       tions did nothing to block it.                 months, they can be extended indefinitely.
           his critics wrong, but perhaps not all.           Unscrupulous politicians have seen op-         Such powers far exceed any that demo-
              Covid-19 is creating opportunities for      portunity in disaster before. Vladimir Pu-     cratic governments have assumed to fight
           autocrats and would-be autocrats to tight-     tin grabbed extra powers after a school        covid-19, but the regimes in question try to
           en their grip. They must assume extraordi-     siege involving terrorists in Beslan, a town   portray them as normal. “The purpose of
           nary powers, they insist, to protect public    near Russia’s border with Georgia. Turkey’s    making this law for Cambodia is not un-    1
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