Page 6 - Catalogue JT JIWA 2022
P. 6
Bohong di Dunia / Buya Hamka Berbicara
Lies in the World tentang Perempuan /
Women in the Eyes of
Genre: HAMKA
Commentary Genre: Commentary
In this book, HAMKA explores the This book highlights the discussions
habit of lying and spreading lies from on women based on Islamic views.
a number of perspectives, Islam, HAMKA dissects and dignifies the
philosophy and psychology. In this position of women in their various
commentary, HAMKA delves into roles in life, with descriptions and
various debates from prominent evidence in the verses of the Qur’an,
scholars on lying; known as the face of Hadith and the history of the Prophet
hypocrisy; to elucidate the truth and Muhammad. In this treatise, HAMKA
the reasons behind the habit of telling declares that no other religion nor
lies. system honours women better
than Islam. He presents the idea
that women of faith have rights
and responsibilities equal to men
of faith, and both complement each
Teguran Suci & Jujur other in every capacity. HAMKA
Terhadap Mufti Johor is a passionate voice in the call for
/ An Open, Honest women’s rights in the ways that stand
Letter to Mufti Johor grounded, unlike the call for absolute
freedom in many parts of the world.
Genre: Commentary
This book records the series of
HAMKA’s honest reprimands on the
statements made by As-Sayyid Alwi
bin Tahir al-Haddad. Sayyid Alwi, as Dari Lembah Cita-cita
the Mufti of Johor at that time, had / From the Valley of
given his views and criticisms in the Dreams
Semenanjong magazine (No. 109)
dated 26 Dzulhijjah 1377 (14th July Genre:
1968) regarding the book Ibadat Motivational
Rasulullah written by Ustaz Abu
Bakar Asyaari, a young scholar from
Perlis. HAMKA gave his opinions In this brief commentary, HAMKA
on these in an orderly and concrete ignites passion inside the youths to
manner. Intending to subtly reprimand stand up and fight for their nation’s
the means, not the content, of the independence. This historical
criticisms made, he brings the results commentary reflects on the true
of historical and contemporary data meaning of oneself, faith, Islam,
studies (by the Ministry of Religion of dreams and life – how far does being
the Republic of Indonesia) into focus. a Muslim drive us to achieve our
dreams in this world and hereafter?