Page 7 - Catalogue JT JIWA 2022
P. 7

Terusir / The Ousted                                        Si Sabariah /
                                                                                    Madam Sabariah
                        General Fiction                                             Genre:
                        (Drama)                                                     General Fiction

       Misfortunes never come singly. This is                    Madam  Sabariah narrates a Romeo-
       a tragic story about a woman named                        and-Juliet-style     story    set    in   a
       Mariah. Her life crumbled when                            Minangkabau family, following a
       unfair slanders struck, leading her                       woman who faces a dilemma, thrust
       husband to oust her from their house                      into choosing only one of two
       and forcibly separates her from their                     options: to divorce her husband or to
       younger son Sofyan. She married                           sever ties with her family. It is a tragic
       another man, wishing for a better life,                   romance, a tale as old and beloved as
       but was instead abused by her second                      time.  In  the  usual  HAMKA  style,  his
       husband.  Mariah  was  thrown  into                       poetic language carries the romance
       poverty so crushing; life forced her                      to the  highest heights,  and never
       hand into prostitution. Like they say,                    shies away from putting  the nuances
       into each life, rain must fall. And much                  of Minangkabau cultures into focus in
       like they say, every cloud has a silver                   this heartbreaking story.

                        Margaretta Gauthier                                         Perjalanan Terakhir
                                                                                    Buya Hamka /
                        Genre:                                                      HAMKA’s Last
                        General Fiction                                             Journey
                        (Romance, Translated)
                                                                                    Genre: Biography

       Riddled with poverty, Margaretta put
       herself on sale, and kept hidden from                      This book is a compilation of notes
       the light as mere bed warmers for rich                     from      HAMKA’s         acquaintances,
       men. Knowing it was her fate to simply                     media reporters, as well as letters
       be a plaything and never a wife, she                       sent by Muslim leaders from various
       swore her heart off men and pledges                        countries to HAMKA’s progeny after
       eternal hate. Yet it was her fate, too,                    his death. Each note, either tells a
       to  meet  Armand,  a  sweet  young  man                    description of HAMKA’s condition
       who undoes her heart as easily as he                       during the period leading up to his
       smiles. Margaretta bemoans her fates,                      passing, or recounts their memories
       for love always comes with hardships.                      of being together with HAMKA
                                                                  during his lifetime. This beautiful
                                                                  eulogy    reveals     the    secrets    of
                                                                  HAMKA’s end of journey: as a scholar
                                                                  who is loved by many.

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