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02 they have occupied spaces, that has remained vacant for a long time or with
ENERGY EFFICIENT MOBILE TEA STALL poor accessibility or just beside the road with moving character. Nonetheless,
Design-Build Location: BRAC TARC, Savar. vending is no trivial matter. They might seem like a minority but it is rather a
huge sector. In spite of being ignored and despised by many, time has come to
Area type: Mobile Van Funding: BRAC TARC address this issue with enormous potential. Observation revealed that they have
Experimentation Cost: $1100 the inherent power to fold and unfold in accordance to changing dynamics and
Project Architect: Imrul Kayes the ability to change and adapt, because of minimum investment. In other
Design Team: Imrul kayes, Dr.Saiful Haq, Shajedul hossain words, these architecture and urbanisms of “necessity” operates with extremely
[ Project provided an opportunity to follow up 2nd case study of my undergraduate limited material conditions and indigenous way of space utilization. These
thesis on the livelihood of urban grey space.] informal Micro-enterprises epitomizes the present time and acknowledges the
forces acting upon the urban condition. The focus of this project was to address
Though, unnoticed and often less appreciated but movable tea stalls around the this thriving informal sector fulfilling the basic necessities of our lives, besides
country have been effectively creating social interaction of different dimensions, contributing to nation’s GDP. Since vending is an integral part of urban fabric
types and forms for a long time, which cannot be compared or even classified that cannot be ignored nor eliminate so made an effort to free them from the
with any other social activity. Ironically, these dynamic developments have oppositions imposed by the society, authority and re-construct a new idea. They
evolved in the face of rapid urbanization, poverty and necessity. In their own way, can grow in a controlled and planned way if they are legalizing and integrate
they not only have ensured economic development for the poor but also fulfil into urban dynamics. The intention of this experimental project was to explore
the demand of lower income group and contribute to the overall economy. Saves a potential module of how different mechanisms can be integrated under
time and energy from the customer’s point of view as they are within easy reach a single system. Considering environmental sustainability for this sector, an
of their home or office. Significantly, there is no gender biasness between men attempt was taken to use renewable energy instead of natural fuel, coal etc.
and women in this sector. However, in order to operate this micro enterprise, Further improvement will be required for system sustainability.