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04 an alternative beside our existing CI sheet, masonry & steel structure to build
PRE-FAB RECTRACTABLE SLUM CLASSROOM classroom that is being used today. Existing LGED 2-storied prototype school cost
Design-Build Location: Karail slum and Rayer Bazar slum, Dhaka 900-1100tk/ Sq. foot around the country & conventional construction cost masonry
(900tk/ Sq. foot), Steel (1300tk/ Sq. foot), Ci sheet with C.C or wooden post single
Project Lead: AFH-Dhaka Client: JAAGO Foundation storied (450tk/ Sq. foot). Comparing to the other similar structure, classroom at
Type-1 : Single storied Area: 1200 Sq. foot Cost: $ 9600 karail (1-storied) and Rayer bazaar (2-storied) structure cost only 658tk/ Sq. foot.
Type -2: Two-storied: Area: 1534 Sq. foot Cost: $12000 The required amount is below then any kind of 1-2 storied structure around
Funding: Graphic People Ltd, Shatotto, System Architect, Binyash, Persona & AFH Dhaka city. we believe in future implication we can able to reduce the cost more
Project Architect: Imrul Kayes Design team: Chapter members even below 550tk. In this two school project we have tried to introduce bamboo
Structural Engineer: Md. Mynul Hossain Construction: Unskilled workers from slum. panel surface along with recycled metal structural element which is available
in Dhaka city. Bamboo has a great potential to solve the scarcity of sustainable
Architecture for humanity Dhaka collaborated with JAAGO foundation for their building materials for high end and affordable buildings in both urban as well
new prefabricated retractable classroom at Karail and Rayerbazar slum. From as rural areas. In Bangladesh, around 70–80 percent rural village still depends
study, the learning environmental quality of similar schools in the slums had a on bamboo as building material. Mostly the sales of bamboo in urban areas are
barrack like structure, usually made from CI (corrugated iron) sheets with a dark used in construction as scaffolding in and few handicraft and other enterprises.
and gloomy interior. With an understanding of context and overall development It is estimated that despite extensive traditional use and availability of bamboo in
dynamics makes us to build a new kind of structure which suites existing need Bangladesh, the sector only contributes few percent to the national GDP. Existing
beside developing a better physiological development of student. Within a limiting market for the panel based (engineered) bamboo housing is almost none in
budget. we have tried to bridge a gap between the educational environment Bangladesh. Starting the new market for the panel based bamboo structure may
of privileged student and unprivileged slum children through their classroom take some time until people start accepting. There is no doubt about the potential
structure. Tried to find a new cost effective, environment friendly technique as growth of this industry in Bangladesh.