Page 6 - Louisa CTE Course Guide 2025-2026
P. 6


                 Introduction to                                                    Equine Science

                Animal Systems                                                           One semester

                     One semester

                                                           Career Options – What They Make

                                                           Click on any of the occupation titles for more information
                                                                                  Projected   Median
                                                                 Occupation                            Education Required
                                                                                   Growth     Wage
                   Small Animal Care                       Animal Care and          15%      $31,830   High School Diploma
                                                           Service Workers
                           One semester                    Veterinarians            19%      $119,170  Doctoral or
                                                                                                       professional degree
                                                           Veterinary Assistants    19%      $36,440   High School Diploma
                                                           and Laboratory
                                                           Animal Caretakers
                                                           Agricultural and Food     8%      $76,400   Bachelor’s Degree
        Veterinary Science I                               Scientists

                  One semester                             Agricultural Worker       -2%     $34,790   Not Required
                                                           Veterinary               19%      $43,740   Associates Degree
                                                           Technologists and
                                                           Zoologists and            4%      $70,600   Bachelor’s Degree
                                                           Wildlife Biologists

       Veterinary Science II                                           Apprenticeship/Internship

                  One semester                                       Spend part of your school day earning money while
                                                                           you are learning with on the job training

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