Page 9 - Louisa CTE Course Guide 2025-2026
P. 9
Course Descriptions
Applied Agricultural Concepts
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit
Students who have limited or no agricultural background or experience learn fundamental agricultural
competencies needed for rural or urban living. Areas of instruction include meat grading and selection;
maintenance of home appliances and equipment; and the study of plumbing, electrical wiring, and
carpentry fundamentals. Teachers may incorporate additional competencies in the study of soil fertility
and in cultural practices for shrubs, lawns, gardens, and fruit trees. The course emphasizes leadership
development activities and participation in FFA activities.
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit
Through laboratory activities, students apply scientific principles to the field of horticulture, including the
areas of floriculture, landscape design, greenhouse operation, nursery plant production, and turf
management. They practice safety, develop leadership traits, use plant-growing media, and identify,
propagate, and grow horticultural plants in the greenhouse and land laboratory.
NOTE: This course has the potential to be a Dual-Enrollment course.
Greenhouse Production and Plant Management
Grades 9-12, 1 Credit Prerequisite: Horticulture Sciences
Students are taught the operating procedures for a greenhouse. Units of instruction include developing
plant production facilities, science application in plant production, and identification of plants. Business
management, leadership development, and marketing skills are emphasized to prepare students for
careers in the greenhouse plant production and management industry.
Grades 10-12, 1 Credit
This course prepares students for postsecondary educational career programs and entry-level positions
in the floriculture, horticulture, and floral design industries. Instruction includes industry safety in
floriculture, the science of floriculture and nursery plant production, plant material identification, floral
design basics, marketing, and business management. Contextual instruction and student participation in
co-curricular career and technical student organization (CTSO) activities will develop leadership,
interpersonal, and career skills. High-quality work-based learning (HQWBL) will provide experiential
learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests, integrated with instruction, and
performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.