Page 5 - Descriptive Text E-Module for Grade 11
P. 5


                        Audience - Pemirsa                                                                             Mental Image - Gambaran Mental

                        Author's Purpose - Tujuan Penulis                                                              Multimodal Text - Teks Multimodal

                        Big - Besar                                                                                    New - Baru

                        Calm - Tenang                                                                                  Observe - Mengamati

                        Characteristic - Karakteristik                                                                 Paragraph - Paragrah

                        Clean - Bersih                                                                                 Plan - Perencanaan

                        Complex Ideas - Ide Kompleks                                                                   Presentation Mode - Moda Presentasi

                        Description - Deskripsi                                                                        Print Form - Bentuk Cetak

                        Descriptive Text - Teks Deskriptif                                                             Purpose of the Text - Tujuan Teks

                        Digital Text - Teks Digital                                                                    Resources - Sumber Daya

                        E-Module - Modul Elektronik                                                                    Review - Tinjauan

                        Explicit Information - Informasi Tersurat Revise - Revisi

                        Fluffy - Halus/Lembut                                                                          Self-Correction - Koreksi Diri

                        Grammar - Tata Bahasa                                                                          Small - Kecil

                        Identification - Identifikasi                                                                  Soft - Lembut

                        Implicit Information - Informasi Tersirat                                                      Specific Details - Detail Spesifik

                        Inference - Inferensi                                                                          Synonym - Sinonim

                        Key Ideas - Ide Pokok                                                                          Vocabulary - Kosakata

                        Learning Outcome - Capaian PembelajaranVisual Text - Teks Visual

                        Descriptive Text E-module for grade XI                                                                                                                        iii
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