Page 3 - Descriptive text E-Module for Grade 11
P. 3
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Praise be to Allah SWT who always bestows all His mercy, taufik, and
guidance so that the author can complete this E-module, entitled “Descriptive
Text E-Module for Grade XI Senior High School Students”.
In the preparation of this E-module, the author received guidance from Mr.
Zulhermindra, M.Pd.
This E-Module was prepared to meet the needs of Grade XI SMA N 2
Lintau Buo students to make learning more interactive and increase student
learning motivation. This e-module is also prepared to provide students with a
study guide so that students can study on their own outside of school.
This e-module is compiled based on the principles of the independent
curriculum for English language learning at the high school / equivalent level.
The material covered in this E-module focuses on learning Descriptive Text
which is one of the materials in semester 1 in class XI.
This e-module is equipped with CP, ATP and Learning objectives that will be
achieved by students. The material in this module is equipped with additional
explanatory videos so that students can learn on their own to increase their
The authors realize that this E-module is not perfect and still needs
improvement in the future. Therefore, the authors ask for constructive
comments and suggestions.
That's all, thank you.
Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Batusangkar, of January 2025
Azizul Maryati
Descriptive Text E-module for grade XI i