Page 78 - Valor Hospitality Global Overview
P. 78


         Proposal and Compensation

                 •   Initial Project Review, Final Programming Plan & Technical Services as highlighted above in slides 39 & 40:

                        •   X Rands per month excluding travel and subsistence expenses. This is a fully-inclusive price of all the services

                        NB. Valor typically charge x Rands per hotel project but should all 5 projects be signed at one time; Valor will offer a

                        single fee, discounted to reflect the portfolio assignment. Therefore pricing above is fully inclusive. Valor will also agree
                        a fixed timeline and fee cap once the project details are understood

                 •   Pre-Opening Management Services as highlighted in slide 41:

                        •   X Rands per month + travel and subsistence expenses. Duration lasts approximately 12 - 16 months from the
                            engagement and hire of key hotel Executives such as the General Manager through opening of the hotel. Fee carried
                            within a yet to be complied pre-opening budget which can be seen within the yet to be created pro forma /
                            development budget. It is assumed this timeline will be no longer than 16 months as noted, with a maximum cap of x

                        •   It is important to note that Valor, unlike most management companies is a true full-service operator. This
                            means that every service provided (with the exception of possible differing accounting solutions) is fully
                            centralized and no additional fees are charged to the hotel property / properties unlike competing
                            management companies
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