Page 8 - MIADA-Q4-2022
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Continued from previous page to implement the safeguards necessary 9, 2022). Again, NADA has a sample
and the chair – in other words, your own to protect customer data. Third, you Incident Response Plan in its Guide. It’s an
employees. Therefore, all your employees must “periodically assess” your service excellent starting point.
must receive security awareness training. providers with respect to this obligation.
This can include basic Safeguards training, Fourth – and this is new – you must DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT
as well as phishing simulations and testing. monitor your service providers on
Such training should occur at initial hiring an ongoing basis to verify they are As if the foregoing is not enough, there
and repeated at least annually thereafter. maintaining adequate safeguards. This remains one more annual task: the written
does not mean “continuous” oversight, but annual report. The QI must prepare this
In addition to this standard employee it must be regular. This last obligation is for the dealership’s board of directors
training, your QI and IT personnel potentially overwhelming. Fortunately, (if there is one) or senior management
(including appropriate service providers) there is software that can accomplish the (if there isn’t). The annual report should
need ongoing training to remain current on task relatively inexpensively. Whether memorialize the effectiveness of the
evolving threats and security developments. you must actually audit service provider Information Security Program, any
Because the occurrence and effectiveness compliance is not yet clear. security events and the dealership’s
of this training must be verified, archived response, the status of service provider
testing should be a part of the process. DRAFT INCIDENT performance, the status of service provider
RESPONSE PLAN agreements, the results of any testing, and
OVERSEE SERVICE any recommended changes to improve the
PROVIDERS What do you do in the aftermath of a Program.
“security event” – anything that results
There are four subparts to this requirement. in unauthorized access to or misuse of an That’s a lot, and that’s just the blueprint.
First, you must take reasonable steps to IT system and its contents? The answer to But blueprints aren’t completed projects
select service providers that are capable that question must be set forth in a written – they’re just the instructions. Once you
of adequately protecting customer Incident Response Plan, and it must be understand the blueprint, you understand
data. Second, you must obligate your accomplished before the security event the scope of the project. Now you just
service providers by written contract occurs (and certainly before December need to put it out to bid! n
Mobile Dealer