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their entire network, not just the slices that   the DMS and CRM environments.   PROCEDURES.  Changes  to  a
        might hold customer data. Dealers need to   Websites, appointment  scheduling   dealership’s IT infrastructure can
        protect their own data, too.             software, personal computers and cell   introduce new risks. Those risks
                                                 phones of dealership employees may   need to be recognized and addressed.
        Risk assessments can involve software-   all contain customer data and should   Change management procedures are
        driven  questionnaires  that  walk  you   be included in the system inventory.  how that’s done. NADA included a
        through common potential risks, and can  •   ENCRYPTION. Customer data needs   sample Change Management Policy
        be supported by vulnerability scans. Note   to be encrypted, both in transit and   in its Dealer Guide to the FTC
        that vulnerability scans are not the same as   at rest. Fortunately, many software   Safeguards Rule.
        risk assessments, though they be part of the   applications have system settings  •   MONITORING AND LOGGING OF
        risk assessment process. Vulnerability scans   that can be configured to accomplish   AUTHORIZED USER ACTIVITY.
        should be conducted at least quarterly (some   this at no cost. Review of the systems   All system use must be logged; that
        solutions can run vulnerability assessments   inventory should shed some light on   is, authorized users’ activity must be
        continuously); risk assessments need to be   where the data resides that requires   recorded and unauthorized use must
        conducted “regularly,” which should mean   encryption.                       be detected. The Rule doesn’t specify
        at least annually. If certain events occur  •   SECURE DEVELOPMENT PRAC-     how dealerships must accomplish
        (switching DMS providers, for example), a   TICES.  This requirement reminds   this requirement, but one way is to
        new risk assessment should be conducted   me that the Safeguards Rule was not   engage a Security Operations Center
        before the anniversary rolls around.     written with the average dealership   (“SOC”) to handle the task. Machine
                                                 in mind. That’s because the average   learning over time can allow the
        The Rule requires dealers to inventory   dealership does not develop its own   SOC to distinguish authorized from
        their networks. Even though that system   software. But some do, and even those   unauthorized behavior. For example,
        inventory is itself a mandatory safeguard   that do not need to ensure that the   the SOC my company employs sent
        (discussed below), the logical time to   sources of the software they use that   an  alert  when  someone  logged  into
        perform this particular task would be    involves the transmission, processing   our network at 11:00 p.m., long after
        during the risk assessment process.      and storage of customer data was de-  normal business hours. Turns out it
                                                 veloped using secure practices.     was  our COO doing some  late night
        The risk assessment must be recorded in  •   MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICA-        work, but now our SOC recognizes
        writing. That written document should    TION. This is a big one. The factors   that off-hours access from his home
        evaluate and categorize identified risks,   include knowledge (such as knowing a   computer is “authorized.”
        and assess the sufficiency of any safeguards   password), possession (such as a one-
        already in place. It should also designate   time code sent to your smart phone),   REGULARLY
        additional safeguards to implement that   and inherence (such as a fingerprint,   TEST PROGRAM
        would  address  any  unmitigated  risks  the   facial or retina scan). Access to cus-  EFFECTIVENESS
        assessment uncovered.                    tomer data requires use of more than
                                                 one type of factor, say a knowledge  You cannot expect what you cannot inspect,
         IMPLEMENT SAFEGUARDS                    factor (password) and an inherence  so regular testing and evaluation of your
                                                 factor (fingerprint). Two knowledge  Information Security Program is a must. Of
        The risk assessment should tell you      factors won’t do.                all the safeguards the Rule mandates, this
        what  needs  to  be  done.  Implementing  •   DISPOSAL PROCEDURES. When  one may do the most to actually protect
        safeguards is the doing. Some safeguards   you no longer need customer data, it  customer data – if it’s done right. This
        are mandatory:                           must be disposed of in a secure man-  requirement can be satisfied by employing
                                                 ner. Paper records should be shred-  either continuous monitoring (often called
        •   ACCESS CONTROLS.  Access to          ded; electronic records deleted. Used  “EDR” – endpoint detection and response)
            customer data must only be permitted   computers that contain customer data  or semi-annual vulnerability assessments
            to authorized users. Examples of access   must be scrubbed. And data must be  and an annual penetration test.
            controls include password protection   kept no longer than necessary. The
            for  electronic  databases  and locked   Rule would like to see customer data   IMPLEMENT POLICIES
            doors securing physical files.       disposed of within two years, but rec-  AND PROCEDURES
        •   SYSTEM INVENTORY. This should        ognizes that  it may  be  retained for   FOR PERSONNEL TO
            already have been performed as part   longer if required by law or there are   IMPLEMENT YOUR ISP
            of the risk assessment process. It is   legitimate business reasons to do so.
            broader than you might think, and    This is a good topic to discuss with  The greatest threat to customer data
            requires the dealership to consider all   your local counsel.         security is located between the monitor
            locations of customer data, not just  •   CHANGE     MANAGEMENT       Continued on next page

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