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        Old-Fashioned Salesmanship Keeps You

        From Singing the Slow-Mover Blues

        Advertising ridiculously low prices isn’t the best solution to unload aging


        By Scott Toland

        So, what does dealership inventory
        management have to do with advertising?
        A lot.

        This is one of the most common triggers for
        huge amounts of advertising dollars being
        wasted.  Your  days’  supply  of  a  particular
        model is out of whack, and now someone
        has decided it can be fixed by advertising.

        It can’t. It will take pure old-fashioned

        It starts with somebody ordering too many
        of a certain vehicle—or the wrong colors  Create traffic by promoting the vehicles  Also,  print  a colorful  flyer  featuring  the
        or the wrong equipment. Maybe it’s simply  that already are in good demand. Then  advantages of the car—include details on
        that the model has gone cold in the market  align your lot so every best seller is next to  safety, performance, and technology. Make
        or, sadly, your manufacturer pushed them  a more aggressively priced slow mover.  the assets tangible for the customer.
        on you.
                                             Next, you must do hours of extra training  You can find these accolades by doing some
        And now there they all are—in your  and walk-arounds with your salespeople  simple online research. Look for early press
        inventory—aging at more than 120 days  to help them be prepared to demonstrate  releases, enthusiast magazine reviews, and
        and counting.                        the positive benefits of the slow movers.  auto show articles from when the model
                                             With salesmanship, enthusiasm sells and  first came out and everyone was truly
        Solution: Advertise them! No, don’t. Well,  confidence closes.            excited about it.
        there’s one exception.
                                             Or, do this: Put the “show” in the showroom.  Teach your “green pea” to sell the car as if it
        If you’re truly willing to lose thousands of  Focus your efforts on internal marketing  was the hottest model on the planet, fresh
        dollars per deal, selling way back of net,  rather than external advertising.  from  the  headlines  and auto show.  That
        whereby no other dealer will come close to                                rookie salesperson will sell it. Just don’t let
        price matching, then do it. In this one way  First,  take  your  newest  salesperson,  one  your lot hounds talk them out of it! n
        only, you may be able to create a market  that hasn’t been deterred (yet) from selling
        where there is none, simply because the  a slow mover by the negativity of your  Scott Toland has more than 30 years
        price will be so ridiculously low.   “sales pros.”                        of marketing experience with local
                                                                                  dealerships, regional associations, national
        But remember this: Even steak at half-price  Second, stage a special area in the showroom  manufacturers, and media companies.
        isn’t a good deal to a vegetarian. So price  for that person to show customers this  In 2003, Scott established The Marketing
        alone won’t always solve your problem.  model (the slow mover). Educate the  Academy—then a four-day marketing
                                             salesperson about all of the features of the  workshop, today an online video platform
        And spending money to lose money is not a  model, and teach them how to do the best  with more than 200 ideas, strategies, and
        great business plan. Don’t fall into the trap.  vehicle demonstration and test drive ever.  solutions. Visit
        The best place you can put your advertising
        money is on the hottest-selling models, not  Third, add vehicle clings with the model’s
        the slow movers.                     features and benefits all over the car. Aim
                                             for at least 15 clings.
        12  |  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer JANUARY 2018
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