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        5 Ways to Fill Open Positions Faster                                      for Dealer Fraud

                 By Christina Wofford, Senior Vice President of Marketing &       Protection
                           Communications, Digital Air Strike

        Many dealerships already had a problem   Use  Social  Ads  to  Promote    By Used Car News
        recruiting and keeping quality employees,   Competitive Positions.  Advertise
        but the COVID-19 pandemic has only  3your open positions to active job    The company 700Credit LLC, a provider
        exacerbated the issue.              seekers  on social media  and get creative   of credit reports and compliance solutions,
                                            with targeting. Use geo-targeting to reach   along with eLEND Solutions, an automotive
        The “Great Resignation” also resulted in  candidates  based on demographics,   FinTech company, announced an alliance
        4.4 million people quitting their jobs in  interests, and online behaviors. Include   that  integrates  eLEND’s  ID  Drive,  an
        September alone, according to the U.S. Labor  location targeting to promote your open   advanced data capture and driver license
        Department. Remote employment has  positions to your competitors’ rock star   authentication solution.
        grown exponentially, while candidates for  employees  and  reach  younger  workers
        customer-facing jobs have only decreased.  graduating from college or a trade   The  integration  is  designed  to  help
                                                                                  auto dealers protect their business and
                                            school. Find an outstanding creative and   reputation from the serious and growing
        Competition for qualified candidates is  marketing team to design an enticing ad   threat  of  identity  and financial  fraud  and
        fierce, while recruiting has become even  and  write  eye-catching  copy  to  ensure   classify their showroom traffic by looking
        more of an online affair. Here are five ways  your ads attract more candidates.  at their FICO score.
        to use technology to fill open positions
        faster:                                  Utilize an AI Chatbot on Your    “The challenges of identity fraud have only
                                                 Website.  Visitors to your website   grown,” said Ken Hill, managing director,
            Post Jobs on Your Google Business  4may also be looking for a job. Feature   700Credit. “Our alliance with eLEND
            Profile (formerly known as Google  your open positions prominently and in   means that now our dealer customers,
       1 y Business).  The average person  an interactive way by including them in   with the swipe of a driver’s license, can
        searches on Google 3-4 times a day.  your website chat with links to your open   authenticate that license, pre-screen the
        Since Google owns more than 90% of the  positions and an explanation of all your   customer, and perform a Red Flag ID
        worldwide search market, your dealership  great benefits. Make sure your chatbot is   Verification including Synthetic Fraud.
        is missing out if you’re not promoting your  also linking to your current positions and   The combination of document and data
        open  positions  on  your  Google  Business  benefits. With AI, your chatbot can ask/  verification between 700Credit and
        Profile, which shows up on the first page of  answer qualifying questions and do some   eLEND’s products offers auto dealers
        Google when consumers and job seekers  of the heavy lifting so your team can step   powerful protection, while also enabling
        search for you. This is a great place to promote  in to reach out to serious contenders only.  rapid digital data capture and export.”
        your open positions, great benefits, and even
        testimonials from happy employees.       Protect  and  Promote    Your    The addition of ID Drive means that
                                                 Reputation as an Employer.       700Credit dealer customers can rapidly
             Start  Social  Recruiting  on  Social  5More than 70% of job seekers read   confirm identity and pre-screen their
             Media.  More  than  55  million  reviews about companies, and 33% of   showroom clients through the ID Drive
        2companies are listed on LinkedIn,  candidates have rejected an offer because   scanner at the beginning of the sales
                                                                                  process. This shields them against
        with 14 million open jobs posted. Almost  of bad reviews. Make sure your reputation   fraud while providing visibility into the
        2 billion users visit Facebook daily. Make  correctly  reflects  your  dealership.  customer’s buying power upfront so they
        sure your jobs are posted across social   Monitor and manage sites like Glassdoor,   can provide customers with an accurate
        media – – including on Facebook’s feature  38 million employer reviews, and 50   payment quote at the top of the sales
        just for recruiting, Facebook Jobs. Go a  million monthly site visitors. Respond   funnel.
        step further and don’t just post your open  to all reviews and use your responses to
        positions on social media but make sure  good and bad reviews as an opportunity   “Because ID Drive prequalifies upfront,
        your feeds include posts that would make  to explain and showcase the benefits of   auto dealers can rapidly get the customer
        someone WANT to work at your dealership.  working at your dealership.     into the right deal structure, accelerating
        Highlight employees, your benefits, and                                   the transition to, and through, F&I,
        why  someone  will  enjoy  a  career  in  the  Take the work out of hiring by following   which can reduce costly rehashes,” said
        automotive industry. Encourage your  these five easy steps. Expert marketing   Pete MacInnis, CEO and founder of
        employees  to  comment on and  share  the  teams can get the job done right if your   eLEND Solutions. “This creates important
        posts to extend your reach and explain why  dealership doesn’t have time to monitor   efficiencies for dealerships and provides a
        others want to work for you.        and post jobs. n                      better customer experience.” n

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