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        2022 Kontos Outlook

        By Tom Kontos, Chief Economist, KAR Global

        2021 was a banner year for wholesale  I also anticipate more stable wholesale  Disclaimer: The views and analysis provided
        vehicle values. On a full-year basis, we saw  values—in other words no dramatic rises  herein relate to the vehicle remarketing
        values above pre-COVID/2019 levels by  or falls in 2022. We will likely see a return  industry as a whole and may not relate
        30% for the year, as a perfect storm in used  to pre-pandemic seasonal patterns with the  directly to KAR Global. The views and
        vehicle demand faced a perfect drought in  usual uptick during tax season in the spring,  analysis are not the views of KAR Global,
        used  vehicle supply—much of  which was  and a gradual softening the rest of the year.   its management or its subsidiaries; and their
        brought on by the chip shortage.                                          accuracy is not warranted.
                                             In general, I will be keeping my eye on
           As we look ahead to 2022 and      the economy—focusing on employment,  Forward-Looking   Statements:  The
          what the year may bring for our    inflation and GDP growth. One area that  statements contained in this report and
           industry, there are several key   is  of  major  concern  to  many  economists  statements that the company may make
         things to keep in mind and look out   is inflation and the spillover impacts that  orally in connection with this report that
                                             might accelerate higher interest rates that  are not historical facts (including, but
          for as the year unfolds—consider   could  potentially make new  and used  not limited to, expectations, estimates,
            this my Kontos Krystal Ball:     vehicles less affordable.            assumptions and projections regarding
                                                                                  the industry and business) may be
        Repossessions will probably be the “first  As we transition to renewables from fossil  forward-looking statements. Words  such
        responders” to the used  car shortage.  fuels and electric vehicles from internal  as “should,” “may,” “will,” “anticipates,”
        Because of government stimulus plus  combustion engines, it’s going to be costly  “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,”
        deferrals and forbearance programs that  and will take a while to figure out how  “seeks,” “estimates,” “promises”, “likely
        banks and lenders have provided, people  we  will  produce  and  consume  energy  in  to” and similar expressions identify
        were able to postpone or avoid potential  a new way. These things take time and  forward-looking statements. Forward-
        repossessions. We will possibly now see an  will be expensive in the near term. This is  looking statements are subject to risks
        uptick in repos as these programs are slowly  important to keep in mind, as we see more  and uncertainties that could cause actual
        phased out—not back to pre-pandemic  and more electric vehicles entering the car  results to differ materially from the
        levels, but we should see increases.   ecosystem.                         results projected, expressed or implied by
                                                                                  the forward-looking  statements. Factors
        In mid-2022, I suspect we will be talking  In short, 2021 brought us new records in  that could cause or contribute to such
        a whole lot less about the chip shortage, as  pricing and new lows for inventory. I’m  differences include those matters disclosed
        manufacturers use creative new approaches  looking forward to analyzing trends for all  in the company’s Securities and Exchange
        to address this problem. New car inventory  of our customers and partners throughout  Commission filings. The company does not
        will move closer to normal helping used  2022 with the hope that greater stability will  undertake any obligation to update any
        vehicle demand stabilize.            be beneficial to both. n             forward-looking statements.

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