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The CARLAWYER                                                               ©

        By Eric Johnson, Partner in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP, Editor in Chief of’s Spot Delivery®

                                             and (5) wrongfully repossessed buyers’  circumstances, to design and implement
                                             vehicles. The CFPB is seeking, among other  special purpose credit programs to extend
                                             things, redress to consumers, civil money  credit to persons who would otherwise be
                                             penalties, and an injunction to prevent  denied credit or would receive it on less
                                             future violations.                   favorable terms. The agencies’ roundtable
                                                                                  event is open to the public via livestream.
                                             FCC Imposes Record-Breaking Fine
                                             Against  International  Network  of        CASE(S) OF THE MONTH
                                             Robocallers.  On August 3, the FCC
                                             imposed a  record-breaking fine  of  Dealership   Violated    California’s
        Here’s our monthly article on selected legal  approximately $300 million against an  Automobile Sales Finance Act by Failing
        developments we  think  might  interest  international network of companies that  to Indicate that Portion of Downpayment

        the auto sales, finance, and leasing world.  made illegal robocalls to consumers in  Would be Paid in Installments After Date
        This month, the developments involve the  order  to  sell  purported  “auto  warranties.”  of Purchase: An individual bought a used
        Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,  The companies allegedly made over 5  vehicle from a dealership on June 22, 2019.
        Federal Communications Commission,  billion robocalls to more than 500 million  The parties agreed that the buyer would pay
        Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit  phone numbers during a 3-month span in  a $2,000 downpayment—$1,000 on the date
        Insurance Commission, Federal Trade  2021 that allegedly were placed without  of purchase and then another $1,000 in three
        Commission, other federal agencies.   As  prior express consent, included numbers  installments drawn from his bank account:
        usual, our article features the “Case(s) of the  on the National Do Not Call Registry, failed  $333 on July 8, 2019, $333 on July 20, 2019,
        Month” and our “Compliance Tip.”  Note  to identify the caller, failed to provide a call-  and $334 on August 5, 2019. The buyer’s

        that this column does not offer legal advice.  back number that allowed consumers to  monthly payments would begin on August
        Always check with your lawyer to learn how  opt out of future calls, and used misleading  6, 2019. However, the retail installment sale
        what we report might apply to you or if you  caller identification.       contract stated that the buyer paid a $2,000
        have questions.                                                           downpayment in “Cash, Cash Equivalent,
                                             FTC Updates National Do Not Call  Check, Credit Card, or Debit Card” on
             FEDERAL DEVELOPMENTS            Registry Access Fees. On August 17, the  the date of sale and that he would pay no
                                             FTC issued a final rule to update the fees  “[d]eferred [d]ownpayment[s].” After the
        CFPB Sues Servicer for Wrongfully  charged to entities accessing the National  purchase, the dealership assigned the RISC
        Disabling and Repossessing Vehicles,  Do  Not  Call  Registry,  effective  October  to a finance company. The buyer later sued
        Failing to Ensure GAP Refunds, Double-  1, 2023. The first five area codes are free,  the dealership, its surety, and the finance
        Billing for Insurance, and Wrongfully  and exempt organizations may obtain the  company, alleging, among other claims,
        Applying  Payments.  On August 2, the  entire list for free. The cost of accessing a  violations of California’s Automobile Sales
        CFPB sued a servicer of auto financing  single area code will increase by $3 to $78.  Finance Act. The trial court concluded that
        contracts originated by a buy-here, pay-  The maximum charge to any single entity  the dealership violated ASFA, ordered the
        here dealership affiliate. The CFPB alleged  for accessing all area codes nationwide will  buyer to return the car, and awarded him
        that the servicer: (1) wrongfully disabled  increase by $662 to $21,402. The fee for  $15,995.50, the amount he paid for the
        buyers’ vehicles using starter-interrupt  accessing an additional area code for a half  vehicle.
        devices when the buyer was not in default  year will increase by $1 to $39.
        or was in communication with the servicer                                 The Court of Appeal of California affirmed
        about  upcoming  payments;  (2) failed  Agencies to Hold Roundtable Discussion  the  trial  court’s  decision.  Under  Section
        to ensure refunds of guaranteed asset  on Special Purpose Credit Programs. The  2982(a)(6) of ASFA, dealers are required
        protection insurance premiums when  CFPB,  OCC,  HUD,  and FHFA will  hold  to disclose all the terms of a conditional
        buyers  were entitled  to a  refund  because  a roundtable discussion on September  sale contract in a single document. Among
        they paid off their financing early or their  12 with representatives from community  other things, the single document “must
        car was repossessed; (3) double-billed  groups and industry trade organizations  itemize the purchaser’s downpayment.” The
        buyers  for collateral  protection  insurance;  on  the availability  and  benefits  of  special  itemization must state: (1) the agreed value
        (4) wrongfully applied buyers’ payments  purpose credit programs. The Equal Credit  of  the  property  being  traded  in;  (2)  the
        first  to late fees  or  collateral protection  Opportunity Act and its implementing  prior credit or lease balance, if any, owing
        insurance instead of accrued interest;  Regulation B permit creditors, under certain  on the property being traded in; (3) the net

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