Page 2 - MIADA-12-2020
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executive director  |

        Full Speed Ahead

        By Tony Lawler, Executive Director
        Well, it has been a fast moving last few  over the upcoming months. My goal is  Also, I will be monitoring upcoming
        weeks after being named as your new  to come out and meet with our members  legislation for potential law changes that
        executive director of the Mississippi  personally to find out how WE can make  may affect our industry. The 2020 ses-
        Independent Auto Dealers Association.  this association better and exactly what  sion of the Mississippi Legislature will
        It’s an honor to be selected to lead this  services are needed to provide maxi-  convene on January 7, 2020. If any of
        respected organization.              mum  benefits  and  efficiencies  for  ALL  you have legislative wishes  or concerns,
                                             of our members. I have already been in  please let me know as soon as possible.
        I have had the privilege to meet and get  contact  with  the  Department  of  Reve-
        to know a lot of you in my previous 32+  nue concerning some MARVIN training  In closing, please feel free to contact me
        year career at the Mississippi Depart-  for our dealers and employees (F&I, title  at 601-939-9866 if I, or a member of our
        ment of Revenue. I look forward to get-  clerks etc). This seems to be something  team, may assist you in any way.
        ting out and visiting with all the dealers  that is greatly needed and would be ben-
        and automobile auctions in the state  eficial for all parties involved.   I look forward to seeing you soon!
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