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Are You Ready

                                                for 2020?

                                                      By Doug Austin,
                                           Founder & President, StrategicSource Inc.

        In just a few weeks, 2020 will be here –  •  Are you tracking to achieve your 2019  •  Interest rate adjustments – new lending
        bringing  some  significant  opportunities   growth objectives?             options
        and challenges for us to face. But before  •  Are you tracking to achieve your  •  Headcount adjustments – realignment
        planning begins for 2020, let’s look back at   headcount and retention objectives?  •  Centralization of key functions and
        2019 and review the current environment  •  Are you tracking to achieve your 2019   tasks within an enterprise
        and likely conditions for the year ahead.  profitability objectives?      •  Outsourcing of non-key roles within the
        Current Reality                      Your Plan to Improve Profitability in 2020  •  Comprehensive cost reduction – profit
        •   The economy is strong, and there are no  Businesses are designed to produce a good   recovery strategy
           real indicators of a recession in the near  or service that will return a fair profit.  •  Improved operational performance to
           future. According to multiple sources:  That  profit  should  provide  a  return  on   drive out inefficiencies and cost
        •   Unemployment is at the lowest levels in  investment  for  the  significant  capital  and
           years                             sweat  equity  invested, as  well  as client  Five Finance Operational Strategies  to
        •   Dealership buy-sell activity is strong for  satisfaction achieved over the years.  Improve Profitability
           2019                                                                   The following strategies, if employed
        •   Sales have been steady in 2019, but are  Many factors involving dealer profitability  correctly,  can  immediately  impact
           flattening for many dealerships   are being significantly challenged by  organization  expenses  and  improve
        •   Expenses for most dealerships are likely  outside influences including vehicle sales,  profitability.
           growing a bit faster than sales per NADA  OEM  programs,  inventory  levels,  interest
           and M&A sources                   rates, and other macro-economic factors.  Headcount  Adjustments  –  All
        •   Profit margins are narrow and continue  Dealership performance is controllable and  organizations should take a serious look
           to be a challenge for most dealers  is a place to focus your attention to drive  at headcount for all of their locations.
                                             new profitability.                   Is there duplication in positions? Are
        For most businesses, including dealerships,                               there positions that aren’t needed at all?
        2019 has been a pretty good year. And 2020  So how do dealers battle these external  Can certain positions be shared among
        seems to be shaping up to be just as good  and internal factors to improve their  locations? Can some individuals get trained
        based on many economic indicators. Most  profitability and earn the returns they  to wear more than one hat so you can fill
        are predicting a slowing in sales, however.  were earning years ago? Where are the  multiple roles with one full-time equivalent
                                             opportunities? What strategies do dealers  (FTE) rather than multiple FTE’s?
        Your Dealership or Group – A Strategic or   embark on to improve profitability?
        Top-Level Review                                                          Centralization –  Where  similar  tasks
        How has your dealership or group performed  A Few Strategies to Consider For   and activities are performed at multiple
        so far this year? As you begin to review  Improving 2020 Profitability    locations, there is built-in inefficiency. Do
        2019 and plan for 2020, you are probably  •  Acquisitions to fuel growth  you have an accounts payable group at each
        gathering up key performance indicators  •  New tools and strategies to gain market  location? Are managers at each location
        and reviewing current performance at the   share                          performing purchasing roles and bringing
        strategic level of the business.     •  Increased sales – new, used, parts,  in  their  own  suppliers  –  adding  to  the
                                               service, finance                   confusion? This represents wasted effort,
        •  Are you tracking to achieve your 2019  •  Improved gross to net performance  lost purchasing leverage, higher pricing,
           sales objectives?                 •  Inventory optimization            and more complexity. Centralization of the

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