Page 23 - GIADA-August-2018-Final
P. 23


        Ross says it's 'Too Early' to say if U.S. will

        Impose Auto Tariffs

        By David Shepardson

        Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said  by $83 billion annually and cost hundreds  to near-record sales in recent years.
        Thursday  it  was  "too  early"  to  say  if the  of thousands of jobs.
        United States would impose tariffs of up                                  Jennifer Kelly, the UAW's research director,
        to 25 percent on imported cars and parts,  Automakers say there is "no evidence" that  noted that U.S. auto production has fallen
        a suggestion that has been met with harsh  auto imports pose a national security risk,  from 12.8 million vehicles in 2000 to 11.2
        criticism from the industry.         and that the tariffs could actually harm U.S.  million in 2017 as the sector has shed about
                                             economic security.                   400,000 jobs over that period, with many
        The  department  opened  an investigation                                 jobs moving to Mexico or other low-wage
        in May into whether imported autos and  They are also facing higher prices after tariffs  countries.
        parts pose a national security risk and  were imposed on aluminum and steel.
        was  holding  a  hearing  on  the  probe  on                              "We caution that any rash actions could
        Thursday, taking testimony from auto trade  General Motors said in a submission  have unforeseen consequences, including
        groups, foreign governments and others.  that it would face a stark choice if Trump  mass layoffs for American workers, but that
                                             goes ahead with tariffs: increase prices for  does not mean we should do nothing," she
             “President Tump does            consumers and hurt sales, or swallow the  said, suggesting "targeted measures."
        understand how indispensable         tariff cost and move plants. Either way, it
                                             would mean job cuts and lower wages for  Many firms that sell vintage vehicles also
         the U.S. automobile industry        employees, and “a smaller GM” with “a  warned that the tariffs could devastate the
          is,” Ross said. “This industry     reduced presence at home and abroad,” the  industry because many older cars need
           has been a major driver of        biggest U.S. automaker said.         parts that are only made outside the United
                                                                                  States. Polaris Industries Inc warned that
           innovation. It provides the       The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers,  off-road vehicles could also be inadvertently
          backbone for our industrial        whose members include GM, Volkswagen  covered by the tariffs.
             economy that supports           AG and Toyota Motor Corp., warned on   A study released by a U.S. auto dealer group
                                             the impact of the tariffs.
          millions of Americans with                                              warned that the tariffs could cut U.S. auto
               high paying jobs.”                "Higher auto tariffs will        sales by 2 million vehicles annually and
                                                 harm American families           cost more than 117,000 auto dealer jobs, or
        The  secretary,  however,  hinted  that  the   and workers, along with the   about 10 percent of the workforce.
        administration might use technology as the
        national security rationale for protecting   economy" and "would raise    President Donald Trump has repeatedly
        domestic producers.                    the price of an imported car       suggested he would move quickly to
                                                                                  impose tariffs, even before the government
                                               nearly $6,000 and the price        launched its probe.
        “The industry is central to the advancement
        of new technologies such as autonomous   of a U.S.-built car $2,000,"
        vehicles, fuel cells, electronic motors,   said Jennifer Thomas, a vice   "We said if we don't negotiate something
        battery storage, composites and other new   president for the group.      fair, then we have tremendous retribution,
        materials and advanced manufacturing                                      which  we  don't  want  to  use,  but we  have
        processes,” Ross said.                                                    tremendous powers," Trump said on
                                             She noted that the U.S. exports more than  Wednesday. "We have to -- including cars.
        Ross's remarks came at the start of the   $100 billion of autos and parts annually to  Cars is the big one. And you know what
        public hearing on the proposed auto tariffs.  other countries, while "there is a long list of  we're talking about with respect to cars and
                                             products that are largely no longer made in  tariffs on cars."
        A group representing major automakers   the U.S., including TVs, laptops, cellphones,
        told Commerce on Thursday that imposing   baseballs, and commercial ships."  The Commerce Department said earlier this
        tariffs of 25 percent on imported cars and                                week it aimed to complete the investigation
        parts would raise the price of U.S. vehicles   No automaker or parts company has  "within a couple months." n
                                             endorsed the tariffs, and they have pointed

                                                                                   GIADA Independent Auto Dealer AUGUST 2018  |  21
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