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and  later  moved  for  summary  judgment  arbitration of the buyer›s individual claim  assignee of the RIC answered the buyer’s
        on its deficiency claim and the buyer›s  by answering his counterclaim and then  counterclaim and moved for summary
        counterclaim. Thereafter, the buyer moved  moving for summary judgment, actions  judgment.  The court ruled that the assignee
        for leave to amend his counterclaim to  that the appellate court found were  waived its right to compel arbitration and
        specify the alleged violations of the UCC  «inconsistent with an intent to arbitrate.»  that its actions were inconsistent with the
        and to convert the counterclaim into a class  The appellate court also found that even if  parties’ earlier intention to arbitrate claims.
        action. The trial court denied the assignee›s  the assignee sought to compel arbitration  If you haven’t done so, it’s time to review the
        summary judgment motion and granted  of the amended class action counterclaim,  arbitration agreement you’re using (you do
        the buyer›s motion for leave to amend.  it could not do so based on the wording of  have an arbitration agreement or provision,
        The assignee moved to compel arbitration  the arbitration agreement that class action  right?) and compare those to your actual
        of the buyer›s individual counterclaim and  claims are not arbitrable.  See  Financial  practices. n
        to dismiss the class allegations based on an  Center First Credit Union v. Rivera, 2021
        arbitration agreement in the RIC. The trial  Ind. App. LEXIS 345 (Ind. App. November  Eric ( is a Partner in
        court denied the assignee›s motion, and  9, 2021).                        the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP, Editor
        the Court of Appeals of Indiana affirmed.                                 in Chief of’s Spot
        The RIC›s arbitration agreement provided    COMPLIANCE TIP                Delivery®, a monthly legal newsletter for auto
        that either party could choose to have  Our Case of the Month highlights how  dealers and a contributing author to the F&I
        any dispute between them decided by  having an arbitration agreement in a RIC is  Legal Desk Book.  For information, visit www.
        arbitration and that the claim would be  not enough to secure arbitration of claims ©CounselorLibrary.
        arbitrated on an individual basis and not  rather than litigation.  It’s equally important  com 2021, all rights reserved. Single
        on a class basis. The appellate court found  to look at your actions when dealing with a  publication rights only to the Association. 
        that the assignee waived its right to compel  lawsuit or counterclaim.  In this case, the  HC# 4882-3023-3349

               Data Shows Dealer Sales Activity Healthier When

                                  They Keep Ad Budgets Intact

                               By Lauren Donalson, Senior Director of National Accounts at PureCars
         Although the pandemic was still a  industry observers look at the trends of  PureCars dealership advertising spending
         major force in the world, the automotive  dealers who cut off ad spending compared  data from September. The main difference
         industry entered 2021 having rebounded  with those that did not. Simply put, the  in philosophy is what limited the drop off in
         from the earliest days of the shutdowns. If  data suggests dealers who continued  sales performance. Dealers who pulled back
         anything, automotive brands and dealers  to spend on ad strategies grew their  in advertising looked at their showroom
         found themselves having to address a lack  market share, and those who cut their ad  traffic in relation to lower inventory levels
         of inventory, not a lack of demand from  spending lost sales. This data insight also  and thought there was no need to promote
         shoppers. Automotive marketers all over  includes ad spending strategies this past  deals on new cars and trucks.
         the  U.S. have  continuously reevaluated  summer that may have been altered as a
         strategies for 2021 ad budgets. Some  result of the ongoing microchip shortage  However, savvy dealers looked at this
         retailers followed the belief that they  that saw fewer new cars and trucks hitting  past summer as an opportunity to make
         should pull back on advertising since they  dealer lots.                varying levels of budget increases in their
         weren’t worried about promoting vehicles                                spending. What’s more, they realized
         when there is a lack of inventory.  Reduced ad budgets equal larger sales   promoting vehicles that may or may not
                                             drop-off                            be on the lot was not the right thing for
         However, this has proven to cause deeper  Unfortunately for those dealers who  their  customers.  Instead,  they modified
         problems toward long-term customer  pulled back on ad spending, they ended  their advertising messages and instead
         relationships and loyalty. If anything,  up feeling more pain in overall sales drop-  focused on promoting vehicle buy-back
         those dealers who wisely shifted their  off compared with dealers who modified  opportunities to increase inventory, and
         advertising message have  fared better  advertising messages and strategies and  they also promoted service and repair
         than those who pulled their advertising  increased budgets. For example, between  options to boost revenue further.
         altogether.                         the months of March and August earlier
                                             this year, dealers who decreased their  When customers come in for service
         What we’ve learned through the pandemic  advertising spending between 50% and  and repair it gives dealers and their staff
         It is true, hindsight is certainly 20/20. With  89% saw their sales volume drop by 28%.  an excellent chance to discuss buy-back
         months  of inventory shortage history  However, those dealers  who  actually  options with customers who give strong
         now in the rearview mirror, there is a lot  increased their advertising spend by just 9%  consideration to  increased trade  value
         that can be gleaned from understanding  during the same time period saw a much  and a discussion on other inventory on
         dealer ad spend patterns, especially when  lighter drop in sales at just 9%, according to  the lot. n

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