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THE CARLAWYER                     ©

        The CARLAWYER                                                               ©

        By Eric Johnson, Partner in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP, Editor in Chief of’s Spot Delivery®

                                             voluntary nature of add-on products."  ensured that the complaint is consistent
                                             The  complaint  also  alleges  that  CAC  with the documentation; (3) dismiss any
                                             "violated New York Executive Law  pending collection lawsuit if it does not
                                             §  63(12)  by  engaging  in  repeated  certify its compliance with the specified
                                             and persistent fraudulent and illegal  documentation and meaningful attorney
                                             conduct, including misstating the cost  review requirements within 120 days
                                             of credit, entering into unconscionable  of the court entering the order; and (4)
                                             contract terms, and violating the state-  pay a $100,000 penalty to the Bureau.
                                             law statutory disclosure regimes set  Noting that Forster & Garbus brought
                                             out in the New York Personal Property  the allegedly illegal lawsuits on behalf of
        Here’s our monthly article on selected   Law. CAC likewise violated New York  companies like Discover and Citibank,
        legal developments we think might    General Business Law § 349 by engaging  CFPB  Director  Rohit  Chopra  stated
        interest the auto sales, finance, and leasing   in these same deceptive business  in the news release announcing the
        world.  This month, the developments   practices." Finally, the complaint alleges  settlement that "[t]he CFPB will be
        involve  the   Consumer    Financial  that because CAC allegedly violated the  scrutinizing large financial companies
        Protection Bureau,  New  York attorney   CFPA and New York law, it also violated  that enlist debt collection outfits
        general, Office of the Comptroller of   New York's securities fraud law.  operating lawsuit mills."
        the Currency, and the National Credit
        Union Administration Board.  As usual,   On January 11, the Consumer Financial  On January 11, the Consumer Financial
        our article features the “Case(s) of the  Protection  Bureau  announced  a  Protection  Bureau  announced  a
        Month” and our “Compliance Tip.”  Note   proposed settlement with Forster &   proposed rule that would require
        that this column does not offer legal  Garbus, LLP, resolving allegations  nonbanks  subject  to its  supervisory
        advice.  Always check with your lawyer  that the law firm used illegal debt  authority, with limited exceptions,
        to learn how what we report might apply  collection practices in violation of the  to register each year in a public
        to you or if you have questions.     Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and  registration system established by
                                             the Consumer Financial Protection  the Bureau if they use certain terms
             FEDERAL DEVELOPMENTS            Act's prohibition against deceptive  and conditions in form contracts for
                                             acts and practices. The  Bureau  alleged  consumer financial products and
        On January 4, the Consumer Financial  that, from 2014 through 2016, the  services that seek to waive consumer
        Protection Bureau and the New York  law firm filed debt collection lawsuits  rights or other legal protections or
        attorney general filed a lawsuit against  against consumers without the requisite  limit the ability of consumers to
        Credit Acceptance Corporation in  documentation supporting the debt and  enforce or exercise their rights. The
        connection with its financing of  falsely represented to consumers that  specific terms and conditions defined
        consumers' used vehicle purchases.  attorneys were meaningfully involved  in the proposed rule include waivers of
        Specifically, the complaint alleges that  in the preparing and filing of lawsuits.  claims a consumer can bring in a legal
        CAC "engaged in deceptive and abusive  If  approved  by the  court,  the  order  action; limits on a company's liability
        acts or practices in violation of the  would require Forster & Garbus to: (1)  to a consumer; limits on a consumer's
        Consumer Financial Protection Act of  retain specific documents supporting  ability to bring a legal action by dictating
        2010 ... by obscuring the cost of credit  the debt before filing a debt collection  the time frame, forum, or venue for
        for auto loans and taking unreasonable  lawsuit, including the name of the  a consumer to bring a legal action;
        advantage of consumers' lack of  original creditor, evidence that the  limits on the ability of a consumer to
        understanding of the risk of default  consumer authorized the debt, the  bring  or participate  in a class  action;
        and the severity of the consequences,  chain of title supporting any sale of the  limits on the ability of a consumer
        as well as their inability to protect their  debt, and a breakdown of how the debt  to file complaints or post reviews;
        interests, and for providing substantial  amount was calculated; (2) certify that  certain other waivers of consumer
        assistance to dealers, even though  an attorney whose name will appear  rights or other legal protections; and
        CAC knew or should have known  on the complaint has reviewed the  arbitration agreements. The specified
        the  dealers were misrepresenting the  documentation supporting the debt and  terms and conditions would be covered

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