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by the proposed rule whether they are  sale of the vehicle in her name using  trial court noted that the salesperson
        legally enforceable or not. Registrant  forged signatures and by participating  and the sales manager acknowledged
        information and information about their  in  the wrongful use of  her  personal  the dealership's written policy regarding
        use of these terms and conditions would  information. She also alleged that the  unethical conduct, which specifically
        be published in the registry. The public  dealership was vicariously liable for the  included accepting or writing credit
        comment period will remain open for  salesperson's and the sales manager's  applications  known  to  be  false  and
        60 days following publication of the  actions. The grandmother alleged that  forging  customers'  signatures on any
        proposed  rule  on  the  Bureau's  website  she  suffered damages comprised of  documents and explicitly stated that the
        or 30 days following publication of the  the  deficiency  owed  to  the  financing  dealership could be exposed to liability
        proposed rule in the Federal Register,  company, tolls, and parking fines. The  for the type of conduct engaged in by
        whichever period is longer.          trial court granted summary judgment  the salesperson and the sales manager.
                                             for the grandmother on her CFA claim  See De Medeiros v. Brilhante, 2022 N.J.
        On January 12,  the Office of the  against the dealership. The dealership  Super. Unpub. LEXIS 2514 (N.J. Super.
        Comptroller of the Currency issued  appealed,  arguing,  in  part,  that  it  App. Div. December 13, 2022).
        a revised "Fair Lending" booklet of  could not be vicariously liable for the
        the Comptroller's Handbook, which  salesperson's and the sales manager's          COMPLIANCE TIP
        replaces the booklet of the same title  actions because their actions were
        issued in January 2010.  The booklet  criminal and thus not within the scope  Our Case of the Month discusses
        assists OCC examiners in assessing fair  of their employment.             the extremely important and all-to-
        lending risk and evaluating compliance                                    common issue of fraud committed on
        with the Fair Housing Act and the  The Superior Court of New Jersey,  the dealership.  In this case, not only
        Equal Credit Opportunity Act and its  Appellate Division, affirmed the trial  did  the  grandson commit  fraud  on the
        implementing regulation, Regulation B.    court's decision. The appellate court  dealership, but so too did the salesperson
                                             agreed with the trial court's findings that  and sales manager.   The actions by the
        On January 26,  the National Credit  the salesperson and the sales manager  salesperson and the sales manager were
        Union Administration Board approved  were acting in those capacities when  attributed to the dealership and the
        maintaining the current 18 percent  they completed the sale and financing  dealership was vicariously liable for
        interest rate ceiling for loans made  transaction with the grandson and that  their  employees’  actions.      What  can  a
        by federal credit unions for a new  the grandmother was not present at the  dealership do to protect itself?   Have
        18-month period from March 11, 2023,  transaction and did not authorize or  a written policy regarding unethical
        through September 10, 2024.          sign the sales documents. The appellate  conduct, including that writing or
                                             court agreed with the trial court's  accepting credit applications that are
             CASE(S) OF THE MONTH            conclusion that the salesperson and the  false and forging customers' signatures
                                             sales manager enabled the grandson to  on any documents are terminable
        Dealership Was Vicariously Liable for  complete a fraudulent purchase with  offenses.   Conduct frequent audits
        Employees' Actions in Connection  forged documents and, therefore, the  of your deals to ensure that no fraud
        with Consumer's Fraudulent Purchase  salesperson's and the sales manager's  occurred in the transaction.   Get your
        and Financing of Vehicle with Forged  conduct constituted an unconscionable  sales and F&I employees AFIP certified.
        Documents in Violation of New Jersey  business practice in violation of the  If you find evidence of fraud, you need
        Consumer Fraud Act:    An  individual  CFA.  The  appellate  court  also  agreed  to take quick and decisive action.   Don’t
        went to a dealership and used his  with the trial court's conclusion that the  let this type of fraud take root in your
        grandmother's personal information  dealership was liable for its employees'  dealership! n
        to buy and finance a vehicle without  actions because the salesperson and the
        her  knowledge.  The grandmother later  sales manager were acting within their  Eric ( is a Partner
        sued her grandson, the dealership,  scope of employment when they engaged  in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP,
        the   dealership's  salesperson,  and  in  the  fraudulent  conduct.  The  trial  Editor in Chief of’s
        the dealership's sales manager. The  court found that the salesperson and the  Spot Delivery®, a monthly legal newsletter
        salesperson and the manager oversaw  sales manager were performing the kind  for auto dealers and a contributing
        the sales transaction with the grandson.  of work they were employed to perform  author to the F&I Legal Desk Book.  For
        The grandmother moved for summary  (i.e., effecting the sales of vehicles and  information, visit www.counselorlibrary.
        judgment on her New Jersey Consumer  associated financing) while present  com. © 2023, all
        Fraud Act claim, alleging that the  on their employer's premises during  rights  reserved.  Single  publication rights
        dealership engaged in an unconscionable  business hours and for the purpose of  only to the Association.  HC# 4889-7841-
        business practice by transacting the  serving their employer. In addition, the  2622.

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