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The official digital magazine of the
950 Wadsworth Blvd., Suite 101 Our Political
Lakewood, CO 80214
303-239-8000 •
OFFICERS Relationships We Trust
Tim Gaylord, Gaylord Leasing By David Cardella, CEO CIADA
Teshome Tesfaye, Norfolk Motors Relationships in our industry are how we build our business.
Secretary When you have employees who step up to put in the extra
Mike Whistance, Country Truck & Auto effort for you, it started with the trusted relationship you have
Treasurer built with that employee. Vendors who help you find a solution
Mike Widhalm, Reds Auto and Truck
to a problem do so because of your relationship you built as a customer whom they trust.
Chairman of Board Customers purchase from you and refer others to do business with you only after you
Mark Weida, Street Smart Auto Brokers developed the relationship of trust.
Ajet Zalli, Zalli Motors We continue to celebrate successes at CIADA because we build on our relationships with
Anson Damosso, Cross Country Motors legislators, state employees, county clerks, vendors, and of course our members who put
Jambo Woldyohannis, Jambo Motors their trust in us. Nothing we do happens without your support for the association. We
Dario Arnautovic, Urban Motors need help to protect our industry and each other. Electing the right people whom we trust
Joe Fuentes, Morgan County Motors and who understand the challenges we face everyday when we open our doors is crucial.
Abe Aryan, Truck Kings Rising costs, lack of inventory supply, customer financing, down payments, and theft are
Past Presidents/Directors few of those everyday challenges.
Jim Bahne, Bahne Inc.
Dan Berkenkotter, Berkenkotter Motors There are Democrats and Republicans who do understand what we face each day. We trust
Jim Bode, J. Bode Used Cars, Inc.
Mike Bonicelli, Bergamo Classic Motors them and they are the people our industry needs to support and get elected. Every bill we
Peppe DeMarco, Highline Motors have been able to get signed in to law, like SB22-108, Altered Truck Weight Documents,
Dean Gunter, Mile High Car Company which changed the laws around certified weight slips, have had bi-partisan support of
Roger Kirlin, Roger Kirlin Motors legislators we trust.
John Lindberg, Auto Warehouse
Stan Martin, Stans Auto Sales Today, I am going to ask you to contribute money, but only because I want to protect your
Joe McCloskey, McCloskey Motors money. The following candidates support our issues and now we need to support them
Dean Strawn, AutoTrek as they campaign to get elected. As you can see, they are from both sides of the aisle.
CIADA STAFF Help protect our industry by joining us in contributing to their campaign. Please let us
David Cardella, CEO (x302) know if you donate online. It helps for us to know if you have engaged. Just drop me a line
Jami McCoy, Assistant Director (x305)
Chris Choka, Dealer Services (x306)
Flor Briones, Dealer Services (x300) Upcoming Fundraisers and Candidates to Support:
Connie Hatch, Western Slope Rep. • Senator Rob Woodward, SD 15
Fundraiser hosted by CIADA’s Lobby Firm: Aponte & Busam Public Affairs
PRODUCTION EDITOR September 6, 2022 via Zoom
Professional Mojo • Senator Dennis Hisey, SD 11 Scroll to the contribute part of his website for online contributions – Champion for CIADA
Copyright 2022
• Matt Solano – SD 8 Republican candidate for Senate running against Senator Dylan
Front Line magazine is published quarterly by Roberts
the CIADA, representing quality independent • Representative Shannon Bird, HD 29
automobile dealers since 1941. CIADA assists Fundraiser hosted by CIADA’s Lobby Firm: Aponte & Busam Public Affairs
members in becoming more successful September 13, 2022 at the CIADA office
within the used motor vehicle industry by • Representative Marc Snyder, HD 18 - Donate here
consistently bringing you industry education,
valuable information, services and benefits • Minority Leader Hugh McKean, HD 51 - Donate here
designed to prepare members for an ever- • Tim Walsh, SD 20 (running against Rep. Lisa Cutter) - Donate here
changing marketplace.