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                                        FOR CIADA MEMBERS ONLY

            The  concept  of  “Certified  Pre-  Corp. and SWDS  to customize a   end,  whether  you sell 10 or 800
            Owned”  (CPO)  has  been  around   few different CPO programs.       cars  per month and  maintain a
            since the early 1990s. Originally,                                   dealer-owned warranty  company,
            the  phrase  was intended to build   These programs were designed with   you are still able to not only support
            consumer confidence in a vehicle’s   four critical prerequisites in mind:  the  CIADA  initiative,  but  may  also
            quality.  It  ultimately  proved  to  be   1. It needed to be simple  participate in it without  disruption
            a term that helped manufacturers   2. It needed to be fluid          to your own company.
            become  profitable  with  respect  to   3. It needed to be customized for
            used car sales.                    any dealer                        We are excited to be partnering with
                                               4.  It needed to  include the selling   CIADA  and  its  affiliated  members.
            Present day, the challenge to instill   dealer in the underwriting profits  Please take the time to schedule an
            consumer confidence in pre-owned                                     in-person  or  virtual  meeting  with
            vehicles is still of significant concern.   We  are  confident  and  pleased  to   any SWDS  team  member to learn
            Used car retailers, in order to thrive,   share that our new CPO programs   about how you can take part in our
            must  distinguish  themselves  from   adequately meet the above criteria.  first-of-its-kind program.
            franchise dealers not only in terms of
            customer experience but also with   Additionally,  we  realize  that  a   Sincerely,
            respect  to  customer  perception.   CPO program cannot contradict or   Andy Samaras
            With this in mind, CIADA partnered   disrupt a dealer’s main reinsurance   Divisional Vice President
            with  Century  Automotive  Service   or  participation  programs.  To  that   SWDS
             Protection Plans

                                                      Good for your customers.

                                                                  Good for you.

                                                   FOR CIADA MEMBERS ONLY

                                                NEW CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED PROGRAM

                                                Focusing on game-changing action
                                                  • Gain exclusive pricing
                                                  • Coverage available for vehicles up to 150k miles
                  CLICK TO                        • VSC - Coverage for up to 500k miles on odometer

                   CHECK IT
                                                  • Multiple term options
                   OUT NOW!

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