Page 4 - Ribbons network become a host brochure with pricing
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     What made you decide to become a The Ribbons
Network host?
When I launched my business at the start of the pandemic,
I became aware how lonely self-employed life can be. I was
also faced with the sudden realisation that I had no one to
voice my concerns to, I had family and friends, but no
matter how hard they tried, they just didn’t get it.
Fortunately, my Graphic Designer suggested I attended Ribbons. I
was immediately greeted by lots of friendly business owners and I
immediately fell in love with networking and the supportive community. Ribbons changed my life in ways that I couldn’t imagine and I want to do the same for my members and attendees across my local area.
What do you love about being a The Ribbons Network host?
I love seeing shy and nervous business owners blossom after just one meeting. There is no better feeling than seeing everyone smiling, having fun, enjoying engaging conversations and building long-lasting relationships that translate into never ending opportunities.
What opportunities has it brought to your core business / do you
see it bringing to your core business?
The Ribbons community has helped me to grow in confidence and inspired me to step up both as a host, but also as a go to expert in Instagram Coaching. This opportunity has me excited for the future and I now feel empowered and ready to help others step outside of their comfort zone and make their dreams a reality.
How have you found the support from me with starting The
Ribbons Network locally?
The support has been invaluable, the 1-2-1 support has provided me with the skills, tools and confidence that I needed to make The Ribbons Network West Sussex something I am proud of. Jade, was also on hand to guide me through my first face-to-face event and thanks to her support and guidance I am excited to grow and expand the community. Becoming a Ribbons host was one of the best decisions that I ever made and I highly recommend it.

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