Page 6 - Silk Safety Capability Statement
P. 6

CDM-Advisor for Clients
Silk Safety Ltd may be employed directly on behalf of clients and their representative agents. The functionality of our service may be specified for a specific project or a framework of projects, but typically it will be tailored to support the Client and their nominated representatives to meet their responsibilities under the CDM Regulations 2015. The services to be performed will be bespoke to the Clients requirements but may include, capability assessments, gap analysis or desk-top studies of CDM or other documentation, site audits, support to deliver tender packages, creation of H&S Files or operational or management audits.
Silk Safety Ltd can be employed to support the role of the Principal Designer. With over 20 years’ experience working with extensive project teams assisting in managing risk from site and residual risk to project delivery and eventual handover and maintenance and access risks we are uniquely experienced in being able to work in close conjunction with the rest of the design team and project team to ensure a practical and pragmatic approach is applied to the compliance requirements elements of CDM Regulations 2015.
On larger, more complex projects it is usually the Lead Designer who will take on the role of the Principal Designer. This is because the lead designer may have already developed a design management plan for the project and may be already mobilized from the outset i.e. earlier RIBA stages (0-2 for example). The Design Management plan will set out how the project is to be managed and set out the structure and design of the programme to meet design objectives which will include CDM elements and to coordinate safety and risk management. Where this is the case Silk Safety Ltd can be appointed to work with the Lead Designer and take on a tailored scope of service which meets their needs.
 Principal Designer
 Risk management for any business can be stream-lined to ensure that compliance does not need to be heavily bureaucratic. The key focus is to ensure everyone goes home safe and that the business is protected. We build care and quality
into our compliance systems.

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