Page 4 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 4
A sensation is created and experi- healthcare centres. They involve the
enced when the senses (sensory or- usage of essential oils and other ar-
gans) sense something and are stim- omatic compounds. It has been ob-
ulated by external stimuli, which served that aromatherapy improves
facilitates in understanding the psychophysical wellbeing. Certain
source of the stimuli and in turn in blends of essential oils having ther-
perceiving the surroundings. Per- apeutic properties are utilized for
ception is related to sensation and inhalation in aromatherapy and for
Sensation dependent on it. Both are essential topical application in massage ther-
aspects of our cognition and be- apy. Inhalation of certain essential
haviour. Our senses help us survive oils has a calming and relaxing effect
is and thrive in the nature. They also on mind and soul, which can relieve
help us connect with the nature as stress. Similarly, massage of essential
well as ourselves. The perception ex- oils relaxes fatigued muscles and al-
the unique perienced via senses is quite subjec- leviates tiredness. The sensory thera-
tive. Different senses evoke different pies engaging our sense of sight and
feelings and memories. Some senso- hearing are art and music therapies,
way ry stimuli have a calming and relax- respectively. Art therapy involves the
ing effect, some invoke the feeling engagement of visual arts medium
of happiness or mood elation, while for creative expression. It may help
by which some may trigger sad memories. reduce stress, improve self aware-
ness, cognition, sensory function,
Since ancient times the important motor function and uplift mood and
humans roles of senses in human wellbeing spirit. Music therapy has been prov-
have been explored. Over the years, en to enhance the quality of life, and
people have drawn inspiration from is used for clinical purposes as well.
perceive these ancient techniques and devel- It has been reported that music ther-
oped modern day sensory therapies apy is being used in hospitals, addic-
for achieving holistic wellness. Senso- tion-recovery programs, correctional
their ry therapies have been found to have facilities and cancer centers for im-
positive effects on our mind, body proving patients’ quality of life.
and soul. Most sensory therapies are
surround- psychotherapies, which mean that All these sensory therapies explore
they influence our psychophysiolo- the art of sensory indulgence. They
gy. In this way they help in de-stress- utilize and engage one or more of
ings. ing and altering our mood. However, our senses to improve our general
they are not just meant for de-stress- wellbeing.
ing; they also help in relaxing and re-
lieving certain types of pain, anxiety Just like indulging our senses can be
and coping with the discomfort and therapeutic, depriving or isolating
pain associated with some diseases. ourselves from the major senses for
a short duration can also be thera-
Different sensory therapies engage peutic; such is the ‘sensory paradox’.
different senses. Aromatherapy en- Sensory therapies and sensory isola-
gages the sense of smell and its coun- tion therapy have de-stressing and
Ankita Dhekne terpart, massage therapy, engages calming effects.
the sense of touch. Both the thera-
pies are widely practiced in spas and