Page 7 - Nihil Alchemia CRUCIBLE Issue One MAY 2020 Flip Book
P. 7

The concept  and use  of sensory  es, sensory isolation therapy is ad-
 isolation techniques date  back to  ministered as an alternative medi-
 the 1970s.  However,  the commer- cine therapy. It is also used in many

 cial use of some of the techniques  psychological experiments. The ef-
 has only gained popularity recent- fect of sensory isolation may vary
 ly.  Sensory isolation therapy, also  from  person  to  person.  The exact
 known as sensory deprivation  or  positive effects of sensory isolation
 perceptual isolation, entails depriv- are still being investigated; howev-
 ing of external stimuli from one or  er, some of the reported positive ef-
 more senses. Small sessions of sen- fects are mood improvement, relief
 sory isolation therapy are relaxing  from  stress,  relaxation, feeling of
 and can be onducive to meditation.  calmness and ease of muscle ten-
 sion and pain.
 Many basic devices can cut-off the

 sense of sight and hearing, for ex- Sensory indulgence and sensory
 ample blindfolds and earmuffs,  isolation both have their individu-
 respectively.  But,  commercially al benefits on our mind, body and
 available  devices for sensory iso- soul,  confirming the paradox  and
 lation therapy  are  more  complex,  the importance  of  senses in  our
 and they can remove the sense of  lives.
 touch, smell, taste and bodyweight
 (the sense of  gravity)  along with

 the sense of sight and hearing. The  Ankita Dhekne is a freelance  content
 most widely used device is the ‘Flo-  writer  and  editor,  and  an  ardent  fic-
 tation tank’. The flotation tank is a   tionreader. Her  areas of  expertise  are
 dark,  soundproof  tank  filled with   healthcare, nutrition, lifestyle and well-
 salt water. The water contains high   ness. She is always on the lookout for
 concentration  of salt,  mostly Ep-  current  trends and specializes  in re-
 som  salt, which  makes  your body
 more buoyant; therefore, you float   search-based articles. Her articles have
 on the water and feel weightless.  featured in magazines such as Nuffoods,
 Spectrum and Interlink Insight. She also
  This method induces a deep sense   has a whitepaper to her credit. She has
 of relaxation similar to that which   transitioned from  being an associate

 can be attained by meditation. Sci-  nutraceutical  consultant  to  academic
 entific evidence suggests that this   research editor  to  a  fulltime  freelance
 method aids in relieving stress, anx-  content writer and editor. When she is
 iety, depression, muscle  tiredness  not reading, writing or editing, she is of-
 and muscle pain. It may also help  ten found tending to her needy kittens.
 in improving chronic pain, prob-
 lem-solving skills and the technical
 ability of a musician. In certain cas-  ‘the spacecraft’                                               EL
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