Page 6 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
P. 6
Introduction renewable energy resources, believing
that its efcient use, combined with
A three-megawatt (mW) hydropower prudent management, will not only cut
facility — which can energize electricity costs but will empower
hundreds of homes — is expected to communities over the long term.
operate soon in Buguias municipality
i n t h e p ro v i n c e o f B e n g u e t . To skeptics, the 3-mW facility matters
Construction of the Man-asok little since it can only cover a fraction of
minihydro power project is already in BENECO's growing load requirement
full swing and ready for commissioning of close to 80 mW. But for BENECO's
by December 2019, according to Ms. General Manager Gerry Verzosa who
Merlie Landocan, who was assigned by relentlessly steered this project into
the Benguet Electric Cooperative motion, the Man-asok project is but
(BENECO) to manage the project. just one step towards something bigger
and better: that of making the energy
This, denitely, is good news, even in a system in the Cordillera region more
province where building hydropower sustainable.
plans are no longer something new.
Such facilities, after all, have been built To this end, the electric cooperative, in
in Benguet since the 1950s. However, its general assembly in December
it's different this time around. The 2016, amended its Articles of
Man-asok facility will be owned and Incorporation and By-Laws and
managed by the electric cooperative included generation as an additional
and its host community, an innovative business. The coop's leadership
approach whose time has come. This believes — then and now — that
arrangement is just one of BENECO's Benguet can ensure its sustainable
several initiatives to pursue its vision of future by harnessing the full potential
greenpowering Benguet. of its resources. Hence, for BENECO,
the Man-asok hydropower project is
The project will help BENECO take just the start of its ambitious shift to
advantage of the province's vast renewable energy.