Page 10 - Reimagine-another power is possible.cdr
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Presidential Decree (PD) 269 which The Renewable Energy Act (RA9513)
mandates an EC not only to distribute under Sec. 6 of Article III also
and sell, but also to generate power. encourages all stakeholders in the
power industry “to contribute to the
growth of renewable energy
industry of the country.”
And lately under the NEA Reform Act
(RA 10531), specically paragraph (j-
1) of Sec. 16 in Chapter III, ECs are
authorized “to construct, acquire,
own, operate, and maintain
generating facilities within its
franchise areas.”
Finally, on October 23, 2019, the
Department of Energy (DoE) granted
BENECO a Hydropower Service
Contract (No. 2009-10-30) for Man-
asok. After securing the needed FPIC
[Free Prior and Informed Consent]
from the BADANG IP [Indigenous
People's] Group and approval from the
local government units (LGUs), the
project broke ground in November
2016. Construction began a year later.
However, meeting legal requirements
was the least of Beneco's concerns
when it decided to go into self-